The software developed by the members of the team in France are listed below:
Brumir (RN)
Capybara (CP)
Cassis (GR)
Coala (CP)
Dinghy (VI)
Eucalypt (CP)
Fast-SG (NG/AS)
Gobbolino (MN)
KisSplice (NG)
MetExplore (MN)
Mirinho (RN)
Momo (MN)
Moomin (MN)
MultiPus (MN)
Pitufo (MN)
Sasita (MN)
Smile (SM)
Totoro (MN)
Wengan (NG/AS)
These software are organised in the following areas:
(CP) Co-Phylogeny
(GA) Graph Alignment/Search
(GR) Genomic rearrangement
(MN) Metabolic Networks
(NG) Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS
(PR) Proteomics
(SA) Sequence Alignment/Search
(SM) Structured Motifs
(VI) Visualiser
Besides the software indicated above that were developed and are maintained in France, Erable has a number of other software developed and maintained either in Italy or in the Netherlands. Pointers to those may be found on the web page of the members of Erable in those countries.