Applications are now invited for 15 PhD positions (“Early Stage Researchers”) to be funded by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “MICROWINE-Microbial Metagenomics and the Modern Wine Industry”, a multidisciplinary study on Viticulture and Wine Microbiology within the Horizon2020 programme of the European Union. Each PhD position is fully funded for 3 years. The positions are based at 13 institutions, in 8 countries, and cover a wide range of disciplines including microbial metagenomics, wine genetics, bioinformatics, geology, chemistry and mathematical modeling. ESR’s must commence no later than 1st September 2015. For full details on the network, sub-projects, host institutions, eligibility requirements, and how to apply please go to the project website at
Among the 15 PhD positions, one is based at the Inria in Rhône-Alpes, more precisely in the Inria team ERABLE located in Lyon, France ( The specific topic may be found here: The preferred profile is for a computer scientist or computational biologist with a solid background in algorithm design and graph theory, and a strong interest for modelling problems in biology, and more generally for systems biology. Specific questions about the team may be sent to Marie-France Sagot at: marie-france.sagot @, but general questions about the MicroWine project must be sent to Lea Ellegaard-Jensen at: info @ Applications for this position are made exclusively through the site:
Please note that applications are welcomed from any qualified applicants, regardless of gender, ethnicity or country of origin, but will only be considered if eligibility requirements are met and the application guidelines are strictly adhered to. For further information please contact the project administrator, Lea Ellegaard-Jensen at: info @