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Stic AmSud project MAIA

Coordinators: (France) Marie-France Sagot, ERABLE Team, Inria; (Brazil) Roberto Marcondes César Jr, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo; and Paulo Vieira Milreu, TecSinapse; (Chile) Vicente Acuña, Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Santiago; and Gonzalo Ruz, University Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago.
Duration: 2016-2017

Brief description
This project has two main goals: one methodological that aims to explore how accurately hard problems can be solved theoretically by different approaches – exact, approximate, randomised, heuristic – and combinations thereof, and a second that aims to better understand the extent and the role of interspecific interactions in all main life processes by using the methodological insights gained in the first goal and the algorithms developed as a consequence.

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