The topic of this workshop is metabolism in general, with a special focus, although not exclusive, on parasitology. Besides an exploration of the biological, biochemical and biomedical aspects, the workshop will also aim at presenting some of the mathematical modelling, algorithmic theory and software development that have become crucial to explore such aspects.
The workshop is open to all members of these two projects but also, importantly, to the community in general.
The different editions of this workshop is being organised in the context of two projects, both with the Inria European Team Erable. One of the projects involves a partnership with the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo, Brazil, more specifically the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences – Inria Associated Team Capoeira – and the other involves the Inesc-ID/IST in Portugal, ETH in Zürich and EMBL in Heidelberg – H2020 Twinning Project Olissipo.
The Inria Associated Team Capoeira has received funding from Fapesp in Brazil and from Inria in France.
The H2020 Twinning Project Olissipo has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951970.
One of the organisers of the workshop, Ariel M. Silber, is also supported by the project “A Global Network fo Neglected Tropical Diseases” of the GCRF-UKRI research programme.