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H2020 Twinning Project OLISSIPO

The OLISSIPO project aims at enhancing the competences in Computational Biology at INESC-ID and developing it into an international pole of research. The objectives are: 1) Enhance INESC-ID research profile and innovation competence in Computational Biology; 2) Provide training to staff and Early Stage Researchers to build a critical mass at the interface of computer science and health research; 3) Establish a leading pole of research in Computational Biology in Europe; 4) Support regional initiatives under the SMART specialisation strategy for Lisbon and Portugal; and 5) Strengthen and expand the collaborative network between the Twinning partners and more in general, reinforce the international collaborative networks, visibility and attractiveness of INESC-ID.

The project will reinforce the expertise of the Twinning partners in four interconnected areas, strongly rooted in computer sciences and statistical learning and with direct impact on biology and health applications: 1) Single-cell data analysis, modelling and simulation; 2) Mathematical modelling of inter-cell and communities’ interactions; 3) Bayesian and combinatorial phylogenetic inference of cells and communities; and 4) Translational bioinformatics, data management and software development.

The consortium is designed to meet the methodological challenges of analysing whole organisms and how they interact within communities and with the environment. Besides the proponent institution, INESC-ID (Lead: Susana Vinga), it involves three leading institutions and researchers in Computational Biology: Inria (Marie-France Sagot and Erable), ETH Zürich (Niko Beerenwinkel and his team) and EMBL (Wolfgang Huber and his team).

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