An Inria Associate Team between ERABLE and the University of São Paulo (USP, São Paulo, Brazil) was officially created on January 1st, 2020 for a duration of three years. The Associate Team is called CAPOEIRA as it intends to address the general problem of “Computational APproaches with the Objective to Explore intra and cross-species Interactions and their Role in All domains of life”. CAPOEIRA is coordinated by André Fujita from USP and Marie-France Sagot from ERABLE.
The project covers theoretical computer science (essentially graph theory), mathematics (combinatorics, statistics, and probability), and the development of algorithms to address various biological questions, in particular, the intra and cross-species interactions, which have implications in all aspects of life sciences, including health, ecology, and environment.
Two main general topics will be addressed, namely evolution/co-evolution, and biological network (graph/hypergraph) analysis and comparison.