Eric Marchand

Eric Marchand 

Professor of Computer Science,
Université de Rennes

Short bio

I am a full professor of Computer Science at Université de Rennes. I mainly teach in the École supérieure d’ingénieurs de Rennes (ESIR).

Starting 2022, I am the head of the Matisse doctoral school in Mathematics, telecom, computer science, signal processing, systems, and electronics at University of Rennes

After a PhD in computer science done at IRISA and defended in 1996 at the Université de Rennes 1. I spent one year as a Postdoctoral Associates in the AI lab of the Dpt of Computer Science at Yale University. I defended an Habilitation in Computer science in november 2004. I was an Inria research scientist (Chargé de recherche) at IRISA-INRIA Rennes (1997-2009). I become professor at Université de Rennes 1 in 2009. At IRISA, I have been a member of the Temis group (1993 to 1996), in the Vista group (1997 to 2003), in the Lagadic group (2004-2017). Since 2018, I am in the Rainbow group at IRISA (UMR 6074) and Inria Rennes.

My research interests include robotics, perception strategies and especially the cooperation between perception and action within the visual servoing approach. I am also interested in computer vision and image processing for visual servoing application (object tracking). More recently I study new application fields such space robotics, augmented reality and virtual reality.

IEEE 3DUI 2011 Best Paper Runner Up Award
IEEE ISMAR 2010 Best Paper Runner-Up Award
IEEE/RSJ IROS’07 Conference Best Application Paper Award
RFIA’96 Best Paper Award

Starting 2018, I am a Senior Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 
From 2018 to 2022, I was a member of the editorial board of )i( interstices
From 2015 to 2018, I was an associate editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
From 2010 to 2014, I was an associate editor of the IEEE Trans. on Robotics (T-RO)
Guest Editor of The Int. J. of Robotics Research (IJRR) special issue on “Robot Vision” (published april 2015)

I have served in the program committee of several conferences : ISMAR’05, ORASIS’05, ECCV’06, AMDO-e 2006, Deform’06, JNRR’07, ORASIS’07, RSS’07, ACIVS’07, Coresa 2007, RFIA 2008, NORDIA,CVPR 2008, CORESA 2009, JNRR’09, CVPR 2009, ICCV 2009, ACCV 2009, ISMAR’09, Coresa 2010, CVPR 2010, ECCV’10, ISMAR 2010, CVPR 2011, ORASIS 2011, IROS 2011 (AE), RFIA 2012, Coresa 2012, ICRA 2012 (AE), RSS 2012, Orasis 2013, ICRA 2013 (AE), RSS 2013, IROS 2013 (AE), ISMAR 2013 (Area Chair), ICRA 2014 (AE), ICIP 2014, RFIA 2014 (Area chair), Orasis’15, IROS 2015 (AE), ICRA 2016 (AE), ICRA 2020 (AE), ICRA 2021 (AE), ICRA and IROS since 2016 as AE then SE of IEEE RA-L.

 Between 2018 and 2023, I was the head of the “Robotics and Virtual reality” department for IRISA Lab. I was in the board of the Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Rennes (2015-2019),  in the board of the “Images et réseaux” cluster (2010-2017). I was a member of the scientific board of the Université de Rennes 1 (2004-2008).

I was in the board and the secretary of the AFRIF (Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l’Interpretation des Formes) from 2010 to 2019.

PhD students

Thibault Noël, co-encadré avec Francois Chaumette et Antoine Lehuger (societé Creative)
Erwan Normand, co-advised with Claudio Pacchierotti and Maud Marchal
Maxime Robic, PhD in 2023 , co-advised with François Chaumette. Now Post University Picardie-Jules Verne
Samuel Felton, PhD in 2022 , co-advised with Elisa Fromont. Now Engineer with Inria.
Mathieu Gonzalez, PhD in 2022 , co-advised with Jérôme Royan (IRT B<>Com). Now with
Xi Wang, PhD in 2022 , co-advised with Marc Christie (Mimetic). Now with école polytechnique, LIX.
Ketty Favre, PhD in 2021 , co-advised with Muriel Pressigout and Luce Morin (IETR), now R&D Engineer with Techviz
Agniva Sengupta, PhD in 2020 , co-advised with Alexandre Krupa, now with Institut Pascal, Encov team
Ide Flore Kenmogne,  PhD in 2019 , co-advised with Vincent Drevelle, now R&D Engineer with GExpertise
Salma Jiddi, PhD in 2019 , co-advised with Philippe Robert (Technicolor), now with Geomagical Labs
Guillaume Cortes, PhD in 2018 ,  co-advised with Anatole Lecuyer (Hybrid), now with  7 Sensing Software
Quentin Bateux, PhD in 2018 , Now post doc with Yale University
Le Cui, PhD in 2016 , Now Research Scientist  with Alibaba Group (Shanghai, Chine)
Jérome Ardouin, PhD in 2014 co-advised with Anatole Lecuyer and Maud Marchal, Now R&D Engineer with Realyz
Bertrand Delabarre, PhD in 2014 , Now R&D Engineer with Hawk-Eye Innovations (UK)
Antoine Petit, PhD in 2013 , Now Research Assistant in the Inria Mimesis team.
Amaury Dame, PhD in 2010 , Now Research Assistant in the Robotic Systems Laboratory at EPFL.
Céline Teulière, PhD in 2010 , Now Associate Professor, Université Clermont-Auvergne.
Fabien Servant PhD in 2009 , Now R&D Engineer with Technicolor.
Claire Dune, PhD in 2009 , Now Associate Professor, University of Toulon.
Muriel Pressigout, PhD in 2006 , Now Associate Professor, INSA de Rennes.
Andrew I. Comport, PhD in 2005 , co-advised with François Chaumette, Now CNRS Researcher, I3S.
Nicolas Courty, PhD in 2002 , co-advised with Bruno Arnaldi, now Professor, Université de Bretagne Sud.


Visp : Visual tracking and visual servoing C++ library
bib2html: a bibtex to html translator


I teach various courses at the Université de Rennes 1

  • Geometric Computer Vision  (Master of Computer Science, UR1)
  • Robot Vision 1 (ESIR3, UR1)
  • Robot Vision 2 (ESIR3, UR1)
  • Special Effects (ESIR3, UR1)
  • Geometric Computer Vision (ESIR2, UR1)
  • Software engineering for image processing (ESIR2, UR1)
  • System (ESIR1, UR1)
  • Augmented Reality (Master MIA, UR1)
  • Robot Vision (Master ENS Rennes)




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