Salma Jiddi

Salma Jiddi

Former PhD student

Salma Jiddi is now with Geomagical Labs, Moutain View, USA


Short bio

In 2015, I graduated from the ENSEIRB-MATMECA engineering school located in Bordeaux, France. I studied Electronics with a major in Image and Signal Processing.

At the end of my engineering cursus, I conducted a 6-month internship at Technicolor R&D (Cesson-Sévigné), under the supervision of Philippe Robert. The goal of the internship was to propose a novel algorithm that analyses the RGB-D stream of a 3D sensor browsing a real scene in order to achieve a probeless and automatic photometric registration (surface material reflectance estimation, light sources characterisation, etc).

Since October 2015, I am a PhD student at Technicolor and Irisa Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique, in the Rainbow team , under the supervision of Eric Marchand (Irisa) and Philippe Robert (Technicolor). My research focuses on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics.

A list of my publications can be found here.

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