Maud Marchal

Maud Marchal


Univ. Rennes, INSA, IRISA
Junior Member of Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) (2018-2023)





Maud Marchal is Full Professor at Univ. Rennes, INSA, IRISA, France since September 2008. She is also a junior member of Institut Universitaire de France since 2018. Her main research interests include: physically-based simulation, haptic feedback, 3D interactions and virtual reality. Her research explores the design and evaluation of 3D interaction techniques combining multimodal feedback and physics-based simulations in virtual environments. She received a PhD in Computer Science in 2006 from University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France. She obtained an “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” (tenure) in 2014.  Maud Marchal has been Conference Chair of ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation in 2018. She was Program chair of IEEE 3DUI in 2016 and 2017, as well as Program Chair of IEEE Virtual Reality Conference Track in 2018. She is Program chair of IEEE Virtual Reality Journal Track 2020 and 2021. She is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, and of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.





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