Alexandre Krupa

Alexandre Krupa 

Inria Senior Research Scientist

Short bio

I received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in control systems and signal processing from the National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine in 1999 and 2003, respectively. My Ph.D. research work was carried out with the AVR team (Control Vision and Robotics) in the LSIIT lab (Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Image de l’Informatique et de la Télédétection) that is now iCube at Strasbourg. From 2002 to 2004, I was an assistant associate professor for undergraduate student lectures in electronics, control, and computer programming with Strasbourg University. In 2004, I joined Inria as an Inria Research Scientist in the Lagadic group. During the year 2006, I did a 9 months research stay with the Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology Engineering Research Center (ERC CISST) in The Johns Hopkins University . I defended a habilitation thesis in Signal Processing in December 2012. Since 2018, I am in the Rainbow group, a joint team of IRISA (UMR 6074) and Inria centre at Rennes University.
Since October 2021, I am an Inria senior research scientist.

Between 2004 and 2020, my research primarily focused on the development of visual servoing methods using ultrasound imaging. I was particularly interested in designing generic methodological solutions that allow for the control of all degrees of freedom of an ultrasound probe mounted on a robotic manipulator. My research covered several aspects, including the modeling of the interaction between the probe and its environment, the determination of relevant visual information for system control, and the processing of ultrasound images required to extract this information in real time. These efforts resulted in effective solutions for the autonomous guidance by visual servoing of ultrasound probes (2D and 3D), as well as for robot-assisted insertion of flexible needles under ultrasound imaging.
Since 2020, I have refocused my research on robotic manipulation, developing new visual servoing approaches aimed at equipping robots with the ability to autonomously apply controlled deformations to non-rigid objects.

Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) from July 2019 until June 2022.

Associate Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) from June 2015 until July 2019.

Youtube See the video of our dynamic FEM-based shape visual servoing approach that was recently published in IEEE RA-L and will also be presented in ICRA’25

Youtube See the video of our shape visual servoing approach for suspended cable between two drones that was recently accepted in IEEE RA-L and that will also be presented in IROS’25

PhD students

Pierre-Antoine Mariot (at LIRMM), co-advised with Philippe Fraisse and Andrea Cherubini
Mandela Ouafo Fonkoua, co-advised with François Chaumette
Lev Smolentsev, PhD in 2024 , co-advised with François Chaumette. Now R&D Engineer at Stealth Robotics Startup.
Fouad Makiyeh, PhD in 2023 , co-advised with François Chaumette and Maud Marchal. Now R&D Engineer at Capgemini in Paris.
Romain Lagneau, PhD in 2020 , co-advised with Maud Marchal. Now R&D Engineer at Inria (Rainbow)
Agniva Sengupta, PhD in 2020 , co-advised with Eric Marchand. Now Postdoctoral Researcher at Université Clermont Auvergne
Hadrien Gurnel, PhD in 2020 , co-advised with Maud Marchal and Laurent Launay. Now R&D Engineer at Globus Medical in Lausanne
Lesley-Ann Duflot, PhD in 2018 , co-advised with Brahim Tamadazte. Now R&D Engineer at LACROIX-Impulse
Pedro Alfonso Patlan-Rosales, PhD in 2018 . Now Senior Manager Platform Software at Monogram Technologies
Jason Chevrie. PhD in 2017 , co-advised with Marie Babel. Now Assistant Professor at Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Pierre Chatelain, PhD in 2016 , co-advised with Nassir Navab. Now R&D Engineer at Dilepix in Rennes.
Lucas Royer, PhD in 2016 , co-advised with Maud Marchal. Now R&D Engineer at Therenva in Rennes.
Tao Li, PhD in 2013 . Now R&D Engineer at L’Oréal in Paris.
Caroline Nadeau, PhD in 2011 , co-advised with François Chaumette, Now Research Scientist at CEA
Rafik Mebarki, PhD in 2010 , co-advised with François Chaumette

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