Francois Chaumette

François Chaumette

Inria senior research scientist


I was born in Nantes, France, in December 1963 and graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique, Nantes, in 1987. I received the Ph.D. degree and “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in computer science from the University of Rennes 1, France, in 1990 and 1998 respectively.

 My research interests concern robot vision, especially visual servoing and active perception. Since 1990, I am with Inria at Irisa in Rennes. My current position is Senior Research Scientist (“Directeur de Recherche”). I was the head of the Lagadic group from 2004 till 2017.

I received the AFCET/CNRS Prize for the best French Ph.D. thesis in Automatic Control , the 2002 King-Sun Fu Memorial Best IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation paper award , the 2019 Best IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters paper award , and the 2020 Best IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine paper award .

I was in the Editorial Board of the Int. Journal of Robotics Research from 2008 till 2020, served as Founding Senior Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters from their creation in 2015 till 2018, and I was one of the six Editors of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics from December 2017 to June 2023.

I was elected to serve in the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society for the 2016-2018 term, and served as Panel member for the ERC PE7 Consolidator Grants in 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019. I have been nominated as IEEE Fellow in 2013.


ViSP : Visual tracking and visual servoing C++ library

PhD students

Mandela Ouafo, co-supervised with Alexandre Krupa
Sophie Rousseau, co-supervised with Stéphane Caro (LS2N) and Nicolo Pedemonte (IRT Jules Verne)
Thibault Noël, co-supervised with Eric Marchand and Antoine Lehuger (Creative company)
John Thomas, PhD in 2024
Lev Smolentsev, PhD in 2024, co-supervised with Alexandre Krupa and Isabelle Fantoni
Fouad Makiyeh, PhD in 2023, co-supervised with Alexandre Krupa and Maud Marchal
Maxime Robic, PhD in 2023, co-supervised with Eric Marchand
Alexander Oliva, PhD in 2022, co-supervised with Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Zane Zake, PhD in 2021, co-supervised with Stéphane Caro (LS2N) and Nicolo Pedemonte (IRT Jules Verne)
Axel Lopez-Gandia, PhD in 2019, co-supervised with Julien Pettré
Bryan Penin, PhD in 2018, co-supervised with Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Suman Raj Bista, PhD in 2016, co-supervised with Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Aly Magassouba, PhD in 2016, co-supervised with Nancy Bertin
Nicolas Cazy, PhD in 2016, co-supervised with Paolo Robuffo Giordano and Pierre-Brice Wieber
Riccardo Spica, PhD in 2015, co-supervised with Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Manikandan Bakthavatchalam, PhD in 2015
Laurent Coutard, PhD in 2012
Olivier Kermorgant, Phd in 2011
Mohammed Marey, PhD in 2010
Rafik Mebarki, PhD in 2010, co-supervised with Alexandre Krupa
Roméo Tatsambon Fomena, PhD in 2008
Odile Bourquardez, PhD in 2008
Nicolas Mansard, PhD in 2006
Jordi Pagès, PhD in 2005, co-supervised with Christophe Collewet and Joaquim Salvi
Andrew Comport, PhD in 2005, co-supervised with Eric Marchand
Anthony Remazeilles, PhD in 2004, co-supervised with Patrick Gros
Ali Alhaj, PhD in 2004, co-supervised with Christophe Collewet
Omar Tahri, PhD in 2004
Grégory Flandin, PhD in 2001
Youcef Mezouar, thèse en 2001
Christophe Collewet, PhD in 1999
Ezio Malis, PhD in 1998
Armel Crétual, PhD in 1998
Farabi Bensalah, PhD in 1996
Eric Marchand, PhD in 1996
Samia Boukir, PhD in 1993, co-supervised with Patrick Bouthemy

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