Guillaume Pagès



Centre de recherche Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
Antenne Inria Giant
Bâtiment 50 C
Minatec Campus
17 rue des Martyrs
38054 Grenoble Cedex

mail : guillaume.pages[at]


Short Bio

2009-2011 : Post-secondary preparatory school / classes preparing for entrance examinations to the French Top Schools (Duration: 2 or 3 years)  at Lycée Thiers (Marseille).

2011-2014 : École Polytechnique, best ranked French university.  Specialization in computer science, algorithmic and mathematics.

2014-2015 : Double degree at  ENSIMAG, Grenoble..

2014 : Research Internship at INRIA Nano-D. Implementation of an HMI for the software SAMSON with a Leap Motion Controller.

2015 : Internship at Xerox Research Center Europe. Implementation of a license-plate recognizing system.

Now : PhD student in the Nano-D research group at the INRIA Grenoble – Rhone-Alpes Research Center, working on protein design and folding algorithms.


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