Emilie Neveu

Contact Information


NANO-D INRIA Grenoble – Rhone-Alpes Minatec Campus 17 rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble France

Telephone: +33 4 38 78 16 91

E-mail: click here

Short Bio

Credits: Xkcd.com

Emilie Neveu is a post-doctorate in the NANO-D research group at the INRIA Grenoble – Rhone-Alpes Research Center, since may 2014. She’s working for the ANR PEPSI project, that focuses on how to calculate reliably interactions between large proteins, with Sergei Grudinin, on Task 5 : Exhaustive Search with Pairwise Knowledge-Based Potentials.

She worked previously on multi resolution algorithms and data assimilation technics for the geophysics simulations. She also love to be involved in science communication projects and in teaching and holds a french web-log about links between science and society, Sense The Science.

2012-2014: Postdoctorate, ARP Mathsinterre, IHP, LAMA – Université de Savoie, CNRS

2011-2012: Postdoctorate, Ocean Sciences Department, University of California of Santa Cruz, USA

2007-2011: PhD, Applied Mathematics, Université de Grenoble, Equipe-Projet MOISE, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann Teaching fundings (90h/year during 3 years in ESISAR, Maths department)

2006-2007: Master Recherche, Mathématiques Appliquées, Université de Grenoble

2003-2006: ENSIMAG (Mathématiques Appliquées et Informatique), Grenoble

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Grudinin S, Popov P, Neveu E, Cheremovskiy G. Predicting binding poses and affinities in the CSAR 2013-2014 docking exercises using the knowledge-based Convex-PL potential. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.5b00339, J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2015.

Neveu E, Moore A M, Edwards C A, Fiechter J, Drake P,  Jacoxand M G, Nuss E. A Historical analysis of the California Current Circulation using ROMS 4D-Var. Part I: System Configuration and Diagnostics. doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.11.012, Ocean Modelling 2015.

Debreu L, Neveu E, Simon E, Le Dimet F-X, Vidard A. Multigrid solvers and multigrid preconditioners for the solution of variational data assimilation problems. doi: 10.1002/qj.2676, Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2015.

Neveu E, Debreu L, Le Dimet F-X. Multigrid methods and data assimilation – Convergence study and first experiments on non-linear equations. Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, Le Chesnay : INRIA, 2011, 14, pp.63-80.


Lensink, M. et al. Prediction of homo- and hetero-protein complexes by ab-initio and template-based docking: a CASP-CAPRI experiment. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 2015 –  Major revisions requested

Crawford W J, Moore A M, Jacox M G, Neveu E, Fiechter J, Edwards, C A. A Historical analysis of the California Current Circulation using ROMS 4D-Var. Part II: Climate Variability. Ocean Modelling, 2015. -submitted

Book Chapters

Moore A, Edwards C, Fiechter J, Drake P, Neveu E, Arango H G, Gürol S, Weaver A T. A 4D-Var Analysis System for the California Current: A Prototype for an Operational Regional Ocean Data Assimilation System. in Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrological Applications: Vol. II, Edition: 2013 ed., Chapter: 14, Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG, Editors: Seon K. Park, Lian Xu, pp.345-366

Debreu L, Neveu E, Le Dimet F-X, Simon E. Multigrid algorithms and local mesh refinement methods in the context of variational data assimilation.

Eric Blayo; Marc Bocquet; Emmanuel Cosme; F. Cugliandolo Leticia. Lecture notes of Les Houches summer school 2012, Oxford University Press, pp.576, 2014, 9780198723844.


Vidard A, Debreu L, Neveu E. Multi Resolution Variational Data Assimilation Schemes With Application to a Realistic Ocean Model. Sixth WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation, Oct 2013, College Park, United States. 2013.

Vidard A, Debreu L, Neveu E. Multi resolution variational data assimilation system for the ocean. EGU 2013 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Apr 2013, Vienne, Austria. 2013.

Neveu E, Debreu L, Le Dimet F-X. Méthodes multigrilles pour le 4D-VAR. Colloque National sur l’Assimilation de Données, Dec 2010, Grenoble, France. 2010. Neveu E, Debreu L, Le Dimet F-X. Multigrid methods and data assimilation applied to a linear advection equation. CARI’10 – African Conference on Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Oct 2010, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire. 2010.

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