Lisheng Kuang

Lisheng Kuang

Phd Student

Email :
Address :
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France
Assistant : 02 99 84 22 52 (Hélène de La Ruée)


Short bio

Cédric De Almeida Braga

Cédric De Almeida Braga

Phd Student

Email :
Address :
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France
Assistant : 02 99 84 22 52 (Hélène de La Ruée)


Short bio

Noura Neji

Noura Neji


Email :
Address :
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France
Assistant : 02 99 84 22 52 (Hélène de La Ruée)


Short bio

Alberto Jovane

Alberto Jovane

Ph.D. student, Inria

Email :
Address :
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France
Assistant : 02 99 84 22 52 (Hélène de La Ruée)


Short bio

Alberto Jovane graduated in 2019 from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Spain.

Since 2019, he is a PhD student at Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique, in the Rainbow team, under the supervision of Julien Pettré. His thesis is on Interaction with Virtual Characters in the context of the project PRESENT.


Adèle Colas

Adèle Colas

Ph.D. student, Inria,

Email :
Address :
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France
Assistant : 02 99 84 22 52 (Hélène de La Ruée)


Short bio

Fabrice Atrevi

Dieudonné Fabrice Atrevi

Postdoctoral Researcher on Crowd Analysis


Email :
Address :
IRISA, Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique
Campus de Beaulieu
35 042 Rennes-cedex, France
Tel: +33 2 99 84 71 00


I received, in 2015, the M.Sc. degree in computer science from both « La Rochelle University » and IFI – the Francophone Institute for computer Science located in Hanoï – Vietnam. In 2019, I obtained the Ph.D degree in computer science from the University of Orleans under the supervision of Dr. Bruno EMILE and Dr. Damien VIVET.

From September 2018 to August 2019, i was assistant professor (ATER – Attaché Temporaire à l’Enseignement et à la Recherche) at the engienering school – Polytech Orleans in Prisme Loboratory.

Since November 2019, i joined the Rainbow Team at Irisa and Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique (IRISA, INRIAas Postdoctoral researcher.