Paolo Robuffo Giordano

Paolo Robuffo Giordano

CNRS Senior Scientist (DR2 CNRS)

Disclaimer 1: Paolo is my first name, Robuffo Giordano my two surnames.

Disclaimer 2: I am not interested in hosting students for summer internships (typically, from May to July). Therefore, please avoid contacting me with these requests.

Disclaimer 3: our current open positions are regularly maintained at this page (together with instructions on how to apply). Therefore, avoid sending me generic application emails without having first checked the list of openings (if nothing suits you, you can of course still contact me)

Short bio

I was born in Rome, Italy. In 2001 I received the « Laurea » degree (M.Sc.) in Computer Science Engineering (« Ingegneria Informatica ») from the University of Rome « La Sapienza », and in 2008 the Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from the same institution.
From November 2007 to October 2008 I was a Postdoc at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Space Agency (DLR) in Munich, Germany, headed by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hirzinger.
From October 2008 until November 2012 I joined the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany, as a Senior Research Scientist in the department of Prof. Heinrich H. Bülthoff. Over the years, I have created and led the « Human-Robot Interaction » group in the Bülthoff department.
In December 2012
I joined the Lagadic team of Inria/IRISA, Rennes, France, as a CNRS Permanent Researcher (CR1).

In October 2016 I was promoted to CNRS Research Director (DR2).
Since January 2018 I am the scientific leader of the Rainbow Team at Inria/IRISA.

My scientific interests include motion control for mobile robots and mobile manipulators, visual control of robots, active sensing, bilateral teleoperation, shared control, multi-robot estimation and control, aerial robotics.
In general I like to tackle robotics problems by exploiting tools from systems theory, automatic control, estimation, planning.


  • 2024 ICUAS Best Paper Award (for this paper)
  • 2022-2024 one of the three Distinguished Lecturers for the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Multi-robot Systems
  • 2020 First Honorable Mention for the Best IEEE Transactions on Haptics Short Paper (for this paper)
  • 2019 Michel Monpetit award from the French National Academy of Sciences (Académie des sciences). Here a video of the award ceremony
  • 2019 IEEE RA-L 2018 Best Paper Award (for this paper)
  • 2015 Best Associate Editor Award at ICRA 2015
  • 2009 Best Video Award at ICRA’09
  • 2008 Best Italian PhD Thesis in Robotics (here the thesis)

Editorial Activities:

Some Recent News

Current PhD Students

  1. Szymon Bielenin, co-supervised with Marco Tognon
  2. Paul Mefflet, co-supervised with Claudio Pacchierotti and Marco Aggravi
  3. Lorenzo Balandi, co-supervised with Marco Tognon
  4. Antonio Marino, co-supervised with Claudio Pacchierotti
  5. Ali Srour, co-supervised with Marco Cognetti and Antonio Franchi
  6. Maxime Bernard, co-supervised with Claudio Pacchierotti

Past PhD Students

  1. Nicola de Carli, PhD in 2024, co-supervised with Paolo Salaris
  2. Lisheng Kuang, PhD in 2023, co-supervised with Claudio Pacchierotti
  3. Pascal Brault, PhD in 2023, co-supervised with Quentin Delamare
  4. Alexander Oliva, PhD in 2022, co-supervised with François Chaumette  
  5. Rahaf Rahal, PhD in 2020, co-supervised with Claudio Pacchierotti  
  6. Quentin Delamare, PhD in 2019, co-supervised with Antonio Franchi 
  7. Firas Abi-Farraj, PhD in 2018 
  8. Bryan Penin, PhD in 2018, co-supervised with François Chaumette 
  9. Fabrizio Schiano, PhD in 2018 
  10. Suman Raj Bista, PhD in 2016, co-supervised with François Chaumette 
  11. Nicolas Cazy, PhD in 2016, co-supervised with François Chaumette and Pierre-Brice Wieber  
  12. Riccardo Spica, PhD in 2015, co-supervised with François Chaumette 
  13. Markus Ryll, PhD in 2015
  14. Volker Grabe, PhD in 2014
  15. Carlo Masone, PhD in 2014, co-supervised with Antonio Franchi
  16. Florian Soyka, PhD in 2013, co-supervised with H. H. Bülthoff


Some videos showing selected results.

Note: many more videos available on our team youtube channel !

Experimental Validation of Sensitivity-Aware Trajectory Planning for a Quadrotor UAV Under Parametric Uncertainty, ICUAS 2024 (Best Paper Award)

Robust Motion Planning with Accuracy Optimization based on Learned Sensitivity Metrics, IEEE RA-L 2024

Robust Motion Planning with Accuracy Optimization based on Learned Sensitivity Metrics, IEEE RA-L 2024

Safe and Robust Planning for Uncertain Robots: A Closed-Loop State Sensitivity Approach, IEEE RA-L 2024

A Shared-control Teleoperation Architecture for Nonprehensile Object Transportation, IEEE T-RO 2022

Towards Dynamic Visual Servoing for Interaction Control and Moving Targets, IEEE ICRA 2022

Connectivity-Maintenance Teleoperation of a UAV Fleet with Wearable Haptic Feedback, IEEE T-ASE 2020

Perception- Aware Human-Assisted Navigation of Mobile Robots on Persistent Trajectories, RAL/IROS 2020

Minimum-Time Trajectory Generation Under Intermittent Measurements, RAL/ICRA 2019

Shared-Control for Guided Multi-Target Robotic Grasping, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2019

Shared Planning and Control for Mobile Robots with Integral Haptic Feedback, IJRR 2018

Haptic Shared- Control Methods for Robotic Cutting under Nonholonomic Constraints, IROS 2019

Vision-Based Target Tracking while Avoiding Collisions and Occlusions, RAL/IROS 2018 (Best 2018 RAL Paper Award)

Balancing for a Humanoid Robot Performing High-Force Interaction Tasks, RAL/ICRA 2019

Aerial Locomotion exploiting Contacts, RAL/ICRA 2018

Bearing Rigidity Maintenance, ICRA 2017

Visual-Based Shared Control, IROS 2016

Coupling Active Estimation and Visual Control, IJRR 2017

Multi-target Exploration with Connectivity Maintenance, Autonomous Robots 2017

Fully-Actuated Quadrotor with Titling Propellers, IEEE T-CST 2015

Decentralized Rigidity Maintenance, IJRR 2015

Human-assisted Reactive Planning for Mobile Robots, ICRA 2014

Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance, IJRR 2013

Bearing-based Formation Control for Quadrotors, IJRR 2012

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