Leon Raphalen

Leon Raphalen


Email: leon.raphalen@irisa.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France

Short bio

I grew up in La Réunion, and left the island back in 2013 to start my curriculum in the field of aerospace in Toulouse. I was taught Mechatronics at University of Arizona in Tucson, Embedded Systems at IPSA in Paris and Robotics at NCKU in Tainan. After obtaining a Masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics in Taiwan, I completed my Aerospace Engineering curriculum with an internship at Volkswagen, which led me to the topics of autonomous vehicles. From there, I spent almost five years working in the automotive industry at Continental as an ADAS R&D engineer, first on algo development for 4D object tracking and environment modeling, and then leading international teams located in France, India, Germany and Portugal and specializing in collision avoidance for pedestrians and cyclists.

Looking for of a new experience, less focused on Development and more on Research, I joined the Rainbow team as a CNRS PhD student in September 2023, under the supervision of Dr. Claudio PACCHIEROTTI. I am now studying micro-robotics and shared control problematics as I work on the REGO Project.

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