Agniva Sengupta Ph.D. Defense

Agniva  Sengupta will be defending his PhD on the 29th of June 2020  at 10am, at IRISA
Visual tracking of deformable objects with RGB-D camera

Abstract (in English):

Tracking soft objects using visual information has immense applications in the field of robotics, computer graphics and automation. In this thesis, we propose multiple new approaches for tracking both rigid and non-rigid objects using a RGB-D camera. There are four main contributions of this thesis. The first contribution is a rigid object tracking method which utilizes depth and photometry based errors for tracking complex shapes using their coarse, 3D template. The second contribution is a non-rigid object tracking method which uses co-rotational FEM to track deforming objects by regulating the virtual forces acting on the surface of a physics based model of the object. The third contribution is a deformation tracking approach which minimizes a combination of geometric and photometric error while utilizing co-rotational FEM as the deformation model. The fourth contribution involves estimating the elasticity properties of a deforming object while tracking their deformation using RGB-D camera. Once the elasticity parameters have been estimated, the same methodology can be re-utilized for tracking contact forces on the surface of deforming objects.

Jury members1. Andrea CHERUBINI. Maitre de conférences HDR, Université de Montpellier

2. Gilles SIMON. Maitre de conférences HDR, Université de Lorraine

3. Stéphane COTIN. Directeur de recherche Inria, Strasbourg

4. Luce MORIN. Professeure des Universités, INSA de Rennes

5. Alexandre KRUPA. Chargé de recherche Inria, HDR, Rennes (Dir. de thèse)

6. Eric MARCHAND. Professeur des Universités, Université de Rennes 1 (Co-dir. de thèse)


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