Multiple awards at IEEE HAPTICS 2020

Congratulations to Rahaf Rahal (UR1 PhD student), Thomas Howard (CNRS PostDoc), Guillaume Gicquel (CNRS Engineer), Giulia Matarese (M2 student), Steeven Villa (M2 student), Maud Marchal (INSA MdC), Paolo Robuffo Giordano (CNRS DR2), and Claudio Pacchierotti (CNRS CRCN) as well as to the other authors, who received multiple awards at the IEEE HAPTICS 2020 conference.


R. Rahal, G. Matarese, M. Gabiccini, A. Artoni, D. Prattichizzo, P. Robuffo Giordano, C. Pacchierotti. « Caring about the human operator: haptic shared control for enhanced user comfort in robotic telemanipulation »IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 13(1):197-203, January 2020. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf

Best IEEE Transactions on Haptics Short Paper
First Honorable Mention


S. Villa Salazar, C. Pacchierotti, X. De Tinguy, A. Maciel, M. Marchal. « Altering the Stiffness, Friction, and Shape Perception of Tangible Objects in Virtual Reality Using Wearable Haptics »IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 13(1):167-174, January 2020. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf

Best IEEE Transactions on Haptics Short Paper
Second Honorable Mention


T. Howard, M. Marchal, A. Lécuyer, C. Pacchierotti. « PUMAH : Pan-tilt Ultrasound Mid-Air Haptics for larger interaction workspace in virtual reality »IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 13(1):38-44, January 2020. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf

Best Video Presentation
Honorable Mention

The authors thank G. Gicquel for his help in making this video presentation.

The full event is available at

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