Alexander Oliva Ph.D. Defense

Alexander Oliva will defend his PhD titles “Integration of vision and force control for physical interaction with robotic manipulators” tuesday february, 22th at 10h00

Abstract : Combined vision/force arrangements are becoming more and more common in small and medium sized businesses as “Cobots” becomes more affordable. Cameras can provide a detailed description of the scene, whereas force sensing can provide local but highly precise information about the contact. However, due to the very different nature of these sensing modalities , obtaining an effective combined use is not straightforward.In this thesis we deal with the coupling of vision and force sensing leveraging their complementarity and allowing a robot manipulator to actively achieve compliant motion along the visual task directions. We have developed advanced control schemes with estimators that cope with the update rate discrepancy between the sensors. Furthermore, we contribute to the dynamic model parameter retrieval for manipulators, which are key ingredients both in the proposed controllers, whose take into account the manipulator’s dynamics, as well as for performing more accurate simulations. The reported results, both in the developed simulator and with real experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.

Committee :

– Andrea CHERUBINI Professeur, Université de Montpellier, LIRMM, Rapporteur
– Youcef MEZOUAR Professeur, Université Clermont-Auvergne, Sigma, Rapporteur
– Véronique PERDEREAU Professeure, Sorbonne Université, Paris, ISIR, France, Examinatrice
– Joris DE SCHUTTER Professeur, KU Leuven, Leuven (Arenberg), RAM, Belgique, Examinateur
– François CHAUMETTE Directeur de recherche Inria, Inria/IRISA Rennes, France, Directeur de thèse
– Paolo ROBUFFO GIORDANO Directeur de recherche CNRS,IRISA/Inria Rennes, France, Co-directeur de thèse


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