Elodie Bouzbib

Elodie Bouzbib

Inria Postdoc

Email: elodie.bouzbib@inria.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France
Website: https://www.bouzbib.com

Short bio

Elodie Bouzbib is currently a Postdoctorate researcher at Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes (Brittany, France), and collaborating with Skoltech (Moscow, Russia). Her field of research is around Ubiquitous Haptic Interfaces for eXtended Realities. She previously received her PhD in Human-Computer Interaction, Haptics, Virtual Reality and Robotics at Sorbonne Université (Paris, France).
She received the Award for Best Pluridisplinary PhD Thesis from AFIHM – the French Speaking Association of Human-Computer Interaction, in 2022.
She mostly designs robotised interfaces to enhance haptics in Virtual Reality. She originally has a Master’s Degree of Engineering from l’Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux. She also spent three years developing and designing wearable prototypes using EAPs (electro-active polymers) as a Systems Integration Team Lead at StretchSense Limited (Auckland, New Zealand).

Sébastien Thomas

Sébastien Thomas

Inria R&D Engineer


Email: sebastien.thomas@inria.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France

Short bio

I have a master’s degree in computer science from IFSIC in Rennes, France. I have worked as an R&D engineer in several companies since 1999, especially in the field of 3D and speech synthesis.
I am currently working in the DORNELL project on the design of virtual environments and the implementation of navigation solutions as well as the improvement of technical solutions.

Hélène de la Ruée

Hélène de la Ruée

Reasearch Team Assistant


Email: helene.de-la-ruee@irisa.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France

Short bio


Lendy Mulot

Lendy Mulot


Email: lendy.mulot@irisa.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France

Short bio

I have studied mathematics and physics from 2017 to 2019 in a preparatory class in Dijon, France. After that, I moved to Rennes, France where I followed a research-oriented computer science curriculum at the ENS Rennes and University of Rennes 1, and obtained my research master’s degree in 2022.

I am now mostly focused on topics related to haptics, virtual reality, human perception and human-computer interactions.
During my master degree, I have had several opportunities to work on ultrasound haptics:
– In 2020-2021, I worked on the development of Dolphin, an open-source framework to help people design and evaluate ultrasound mid-air haptic stimuli. This work was supervised by Thomas Howard, Maud Marchal and Claudio Pacchierotti. I later did an internship at Ultraleap, supervised by William Frier, to adapt Dolphin to a new API they were working on.
– In 2022, I did an internship in the Rainbow team (Inria/IRISA, Rennes), to work on ultrasound haptic rendering for bimanual interactions in virtual reality, supervised by Thomas Howard, Maud Marchal and Claudio Pacchierotti.

Since October 2022, I work as a Ph.D. student in the Rainbow team (Inria/IRISA, Rennes), under the supervision of Maud Marchal and Claudio Pacchierotti. I work on the “design of coupling schemes for vibro-tactile rendering in virtual reality”.

Maxime Manzano

Maxime Manzano

PhD Student

Email: maxime.manzano@inria.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France


Marie Babel (Rainbow team, Irisa Rennes, marie.babel@irisa.fr)

Sylvain Guégan (Rainbow team, LGCGM, INSA de Rennes, sylvain.guegan@insa-rennes.fr)

Ronan Le Breton (LGCGM, INSA de Rennes, ronan.le-breton@insa-rennes.fr)


I discovered my interest in mechatronics during my high school, enjoying to participate to some projects (and starting my endless relationship with Arduino ♥).

Since then, I’ve never stop studying mechatronics, specializing myself in robotics. Indeed, I participated in electronics, mechanics and computer science courses as well as some projects at the department of mechatronics of the ENS Rennes between 2018 and 2022. To specialize myself in robotics, I did a mobility in Nantes in 2021 to follow the M2 CORO IMARO at the École Centrale de Nantes.

In 2020, I obtained the mechatronics « agrégation » that enables me to get some teaching positions.

I started my Ph.D in 2022. I work on a robotic solution to support people with muscle weaknesses in the upper-limb to continue performing their activities of daily living in autonomy. I work on a new mechanical design that would better support the arm and a shared-control framework to reduce the user’s cognitive load to control it.

Jose Eduardo Aguilar Segovia

José Eduardo Aguilar Segovia


Email: jose-eduardo.aguilar-segovia@inria.fr
IRISA, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes, France

Short bio

Born in Mexico City, Mexico. I have particular interests in medical sector, haptic technologies, control, system mechanics and materials.

Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Mechatronics in 2022 from Compiègne Technological University.

PhD student since October 2022 at the National Institute of applied sciences (INSA) and Inria Rennes. 

Thesis subject: “Design of haptic feedback using innovative shapeable materials” within the DORNELL project. 

PhD’s supervisors:

  • Marie Babel (Rainbow team, Irisa Rennes, marie.babel@irisa.fr) 
  • Sylvain Lefebvre (MFX team, Inria Nancy, sylvain.lefebvre@inria.fr) 
  • Sylvain Guégan (ECSR team, LGCGM, INSA de Rennes, sylvain.guegan@insa-rennes.fr)

The aim of the Dornell project (Inria Challenge) is to propose an innovative multisensory, multimodal, smart haptic handle that can be easily plugged onto a wide range of mobility aids, including white canes, precanes, walkers, and power wheelchairs.

The goal of my PHD project is to design and fabricate a multimodal, multisensory, ergonomic, soft, compact, portable, customizable handle able to provide multiple haptic sensations (related to the sense of touch) as well as sense how the user interacts with it. The handle should provide a rich multimodal haptic feedback, i.e., controlled vibration and pressure sensation as well as the ability to actively modify the perceived stiffness of the handle. One of the challenges of my PhD project will be to ensure all these functionalities with low energy consumption, as the handle aims at being wireless.

The handle will make use of innovative shapeable materials, 3D/4D printing techniques, multimodal actuation technologies, and perceptual illusions to deliver complex yet intuitive haptic sensations.