Category: Software

NAOLab toolbox

NAOLab is a toolbox developed within the EARS EU project. NAOLab enables easy robot programming of the NAO humanoid robot (v5), using external modules developed in C, C++, Python, or Matlab. Please visit the NAOLab page for more details and for software download.

Mixcam Software

The Mixcam Software has been developed over the two past years, by the engineers of the Perception team : Michel Amat Pierre Arquier Quentin Pelorson The software is dedicated to the Mixcam Laboratory. The software provides an easy-to-use interface to researchers for 3D reconstruction algorithms/visualization and multiple cameras  data acquisitions. Functionalities Acquistions & Calibration : Users …

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Spectral Matching

SpecMatch is an open-source software (OSS) package that performs graph matching using Laplacian embedding followed by point registration. Software developed by Diana Mateus, Avinash Sharma, David Knossow and Radu Horaud. The code can be downloaded from this page: Publications: Avinash Sharma, Radu Horaud, Diana Mateus. 3D Shape Registration Using Spectral Graph Embedding and Probabilistic Matching. Image Processing …

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SBM: Matlab toolbox for Supervised Binaural Mapping

The SBM Matlab toolbox for “Supervised Binaural Mapping”, contains a set of functions and scripts for supervised binaural sound source separation and localization. The approach consists in learning the acoustic space of a system using a set of white-noise measurements. Once the acoustic space is learned, it can be used to efficiently localize one or …

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Skeletal Quads

Please find at the link below the code of Skeletal Quad descriptor. It is a local skeleton descriptor that encodes the relation of joint quadruples. Download Skeletal Quad code from HERE

Joint registration of multiple point sets

Please find here the code of the JRMPC (Joint registration of multiple point clouds) algorithm (ECCV 2014)

The gtde MATLAB toolbox

The gtde toolbox is a set of MATLAB functions for localizing sound sources from time delay estimates. From the sound recorded on the microphones of any non-coplanar arbitrarily-shaped microphone array, the toolbox can be used to robustly recover the position of the sound source and the time delay estimates associated to it. This piece of …

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Image Alignment Toolbox (IAT)

  Image Alignment Toolbox is maintained by Georgios Evangelidis. IAT concerns with image alignment algorithms and the tools thereof. Find more at  

GLLiM: a flexible Matlab toolbox for Gaussian Locally Linear Mapping

The GLLiM toolbox v1.0 provides a set of Matlab functions allowing to learn a relationship between two spaces. It implements the  hGLLiM algorithm described in detail in: A. Deleforge, F. Forbes, and R. Horaud. High-Dimensional Regression with Gaussian Mixtures and Partially-Latent Response Variables. Statistics and Computing. 2014. The article is available online on arXiv at This is GLLiM …

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TransforMesh: A mesh-based solution to surface evolution.

  TransforMesh is a C++ function library that provides a mesh-based solution to surface evolution. It takes as input a proper mesh together with a displacement field and it outputs a proper deformed mesh. In order to ensure consistent mesh deformations, it robustly handles topology changes and removes self intersections.. Among others, TransforMesh has been …

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