Team members

Head / Responsable Scientifique

Head until 2021-12
INRIA Senior Research Scientist
+33 3 83 59 20 81
Head from 2022-01
INRIA Research Scientist
+33 3 54 95 86 30

Administrative Assistants / Assistantes de Projet

Véronique Constant
Inria Administrative Assistant
+33 3 83 59 30 25 – B236
Antoinette Courrier
Loria Administrative Assistant

Permanent Researchers / Membres Permanents

UL Associate Professor
+33 3 54 95 86 31
+33 3 54 95 86 15
INRIA Research Scientist
INRIA Research Scientist
+33 3 54 95 86 18
Pauline Maurice
+33 3 54 95 85 32
CNRS Research Scientist
INRIA Starting Faculty Position
INRIA Senior Research Scientist
+33 3 54 47 86 16
UL Associate Professor
+33 3 83 59 20 84
UL Associate Professor
+33 3 54 95 85 08

Postdoctoral Researchers / Postdocs

Glenn Maguire

Engineers / Ingénieurs


Lucien Renaud
Project Proxilearn
Edoardo Ghini
Eloïse Dalin
Project Resilient Humanoid
Ivan Bergonzani
Project wbTorque
Raphaël Lartot
Project ASMOA
Nicolas Valle
Project LIHR
Jean Michenaud
Project ASMOA

PhD Students / Doctorants

Lina Achaji
Supervisor: François Charpillet
PSA CIFRE funding
Julien Uzzan
Supervisor: François Charpillet
PSA CIFRE funding
Nicolas Gauville
Supervisor: François Charpillet
Safran CIFRE funding
Waldez Gomes
Supervisor: Serena Ivaldi, P. Maurice, JB. Mouret
Project AnDy
Yassine El-Khadiri
Supervisor: Francois Charpillet
Pharmagest CIFRE funding
Lorenzo Vianello
Supervisor: Serena Ivaldi, Alexis Aubry
Project C-SHIFT
Yoann Fleytoux
Supervisor: Serena Ivaldi, Jean-Baptiste Mouret
Project HEAP
Nima Mehdi
Supervisor: Serena Ivaldi, Francis Colas
Project Flying Co-Worker
Luigi Penco
Supervisor: Serena Ivaldi, Jean-Baptiste Mouret
Project AnDy
Jessica Colombel
Supervisos: François Charpillet, David Daney
Project ?
Eloise Zhender
Supervisor: Francois Charpillet, Jerome Dinet
Project ?
Abir Bouaouda
Supervisor: François Charpillet
Project ?
Valdislav Tempez
Supervisor: Jean-Baptiste Mouret
Project Proxilearn
Timothée Anne
Supervisor: Jean-Baptiste Mouret
Project Resilient humanoid
Raphaël Bousigues
Supervisor: Pauline Maurice, Vincent Padois, David Daney, Jonathan Savin
INRS-INRIA funding
Jacques Zhong
Supervisor: Pauline Maurice, Francis Colas, Vincent Weisstroffer, Claude Andriot
CEA funding
Yang You
Supervisor: Vincent Thomas, Olivier Buffet
Project Flying Co-Worker

MS Students and Interns / Stagiaires

Visiting researchers (past)

Francesco Nori
Italian Institute of Technology (Italy)
Hosted by Serena Ivaldi
John Rieffel
Union College, New York (USA)
Hosted by Jean-Baptiste Mouret
Enrico Mingo
Italian Institute of Technology (Italy)
Hosted by Serena Ivaldi
Anji Ma
PhD student from
Hosted by Serena Ivaldi Mouret

Past Members / Anciens Membres

Past Postdoc

Past Engineers

  • Thomas Moinel (Project SATELOR)
  • Mélanie Lelaure (Project LAR) – went to HAPTION as CS Engineer
  • Maxime Rio (Project SATELOR) – went to University of Basel as Engineer
  • Théo Biasutto-Lervat (Project SATELOR) – went to LORIA as a PhD student
  • Nicolas Beaufort (Projects LAR, SATELOR) – went to Diatelich/Pharmagest as Engineer
  • Dorian Goepp (Project RESIBOTS)
  • Brice Clement (Project wbCub)
  • Pauline Houlgatte (Project SATELOR)
  • Debalina Misra (Project )

Past PhD students

  • Iñaki Fernández Pérez – supervised by Amine Boumaza, François Charpillet
  • Adrian Bourgaud* – supervised by François Charpillet (Project SATELOR) – *only 2 years
  • Quan Nguyen – supervised by Emmanuel Vincent, Francis Colas, François Charpillet
  • Abdallah Dib – supervised by François Charpillet
  • Nassim Kaldé – supervised by François Charpillet, Olivier Simonin
  • Mihai Andries – supervised by François Charpillet, Olivier Simonin
  • Adrien Malaisé – supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Francis Colas
  • Oriane Dermy – supervised by Serena Ivaldi and François Charpillet
  • Adam Gaier – supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret
  • Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis – supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret
  • Rituraj Kaushik – supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret
  • Valerio Modugno (U. of Rome La Sapienza) supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Giuseppe Oriolo

Past Visiting PhD Students

  • Jamie Waugh (U. of Waterloo) – supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Dana Kulic
  • Ludivine Allienne (U. of Picardie) – supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Estelle Ferrarese
  • Augusto Francisco (Dresden U. of Technology) – supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Jost Halfmann)
  • Marie Charbonneau (IIT) – supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Daniele Pucci

Past Master students

  • Anuyan Ithayakumar – Supervised by Pauline Maurice and Vincent Thomas (Project Ergobot)
  • Evelyn D’Elia – Supervised by Seran Ivalid and Jean-Baptiset Mouret (Project ANDY)
  • Aurélien Osswald – Supervised by Pauline Maurice and Vincent Thomas (Project Ergobot)
  • Félix Cuny-Enault – Supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Pauline Maurice (Project ExoCare)
  • Andrea Macri – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project ANDY)
  • Clélie Amiot – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project ANDY)
  • Vishnu Radhakrishnan – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project ANDY)
  • Luigi Penco – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project ANDY)
  • Remi Pautrat – Master Internship, Supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Project RESIBOTS)
  • Baptiste Mounier – Summer Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project ANDY)
  • Aurelien André – Supervised by Francis Colas and Vincent Thomas
  • Aurélien Delage – Supervised by Olivier Buffet and Jilles Dibangoye (Project PLASMA) – now PhD student in Lyon (same supervisors)
  • Aurore Husson – Summer Internship, Supervised by Francois Charpillet
  • Matthieu Fehr – Supervised by Olivier Buffet & Vincent Thomas
  • Baptiste Lesquoy – Supervised by Alexis Scheuer & Francois Charpillet
  • Ismail El Mastafi – Supervised by Emmanuel Vincent & Francis Colas
  • Shipra Jain – Supervised by Jean-Baptiste (Project RESIBOTS)
  • Kapil Sawant – Supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Project RESIBOTS)
  • Waldez Azevedo Gomes – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Pauline Maurice (Project ANDY)
  • Kazuya Otani – Master internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Karim Bouyarmane (Project ANDY)
  • Maxime Chaveroche – Master internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi and Francis Colas (Project ANDY) – went to UTC as PhD student
  • Mohammed-Amine El Ayoubi – Supervised by Francois Charpillet
  • Roberto Rama – Master internship, Supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Project RESIBOTS) – Went to Google (California) as Intern
  • Adrien Malaisé – Master internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project LAR) – Stayed in the team as PhD student
  • Anthony Voilqué – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project CODYCO) – Went to PSA as PhD student CIFRE
  • Ugo Chervet – Master Internship, Supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project CODYCO)
  • Vaios Papaspyros – Master Internship, Supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Project RESIBOTS)
  • Virgile Daugé – Master Internship, Supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Project RESIBOTS) – Went to LORIA as PhD student
  • Sebastian Marichal – Master internship, supervised by Serena Ivaldi (Project LAR) – Went to University Pompeu Fabra as PhD student
  • Federico Allocati – Master internship, supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Project RESIBOT) – Went to Google (California) as Intern
  • Omar Mohammed – Master internship, supervised by Jean-Baptiste Mouret – Went to University of Grenoble as PhD student
  • Corentin Fagot – Master internship, supervised by Francis Colas – Went to LORIA as CNRS Engineer
  • Roman Kreshchak – Master internship, supervised by Francois Charpillet
  • Pauline Houlgatte – Master internship, supervised by Maxime Rio and Francois Charpillet

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