Tree Search Algorithms: Beyond Monte Carlo Tree Search

Supervisors Academic supervisors Bruno Scherrer, HDR, IECL, INRIA (Larsen),, Amine Boumaza, LORIA, INRIA (Larsen),, IECL, LORIA, INRIA Center of Université de Lorraine. Collaborators Michal Valko, Google DeepMind / INRIA / MVA ENS PS lecturer,, Pierre Ménard, postdoctoral researcher at Institut für Mathematische Stochastik (IMST) in the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg,, Problem…

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Leading European research labs on Artificial Intelligence-driven Robotics join forces in the Network of Excellence euROBIN

euROBIN is the Network of Excellence that brings together European expertise on Robotics and AI. It establishes a unified pan-European platform for research and development. For the first time, a large number of distinguished research labs across Europe are jointly researching AI-Based Robotics. Goals include both significant scientific advances on…

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Serena Ivaldi at the international conference IEEE WIE ILC

Launched 8 years ago, the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (IEEE WIE ILC) provides professional women in technology, whether in industry, academia, or government, the opportunity to create communities that fuel innovation, facilitate knowledge sharing and provide support through highly interactive sessions designed to foster discussion and collaboration….

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Serena Ivaldi and Pauline Maurice in videoconference : “6th UX-Forum Exoskeletons : for the world of care and health professions

The Cercle Entreprises et Santé is organizing a videoconference on professional exoskeletons and physical assistance devices for professionals in the care professions and working in hospitals, health establishments and EHPAD. The videoconference will take place on March 25 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Participants will discuss the following questions:…

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