(Français) Analyse du problème des oscillations parasites des méthodes de Volumes Finis pour des écoulements à faible nombre de Mach en mécanique des fluides.
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Ibtissem Lannabi: Thursday, 23rd January 2025 at 11:00 This work is devoted to the numerical simulation of low Mach number flows, modeled by the compressible Euler system. Commonly used solvers for discretizing this model are Godunov-type schemes. These schemes exhibit poor performance at low Mach number in terms of efficiency and accuracy.Indeed, when the Mach number tends to zero, material and acoustic waves propagate on two distinct time scales, making temporal discretization challenging.In particular, an explicit scheme is stable under a CFL condition, which depends on the speed of sound, making this criterion very restrictive.Regarding the accuracy problem observed with quadrangular grids, it arises from the fact that the discrete solution fails to converge to the incompressible solution as the Mach number tends to zero.To overcome this accuracy problem, many fixes have been developed and consist in modifying the numerical diffusion of the original scheme. These corrections improve the accuracy of compressible schemes as the Mach number goes to zero. Unfortunately they introduce other problems, such as the appearance of numerical oscillations (checkerboard modes on a Cartesian grid) in the numerical solution, or the damping of acoustic waves as the Mach number goes to zero. Efficiency is also compromised as these schemes are stable under a more restrictive CFL condition compared to the original scheme. In this talk, we propose to study the phenomenon of oscillations that plagues some of the fixes proposed in the literature. We focus on Roe-type fixes, in particular those that reduce the numerical diffusion on the jump of the normal velocity.The asymptotic analysis of these schemes leads to a discretization of a wave system in which the pressure gradient is centered. To better understand the phenomenon, we focus on the linear wave system.We then show that this fix is not TVD, unlike the Godunov scheme,…
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Ani Miraci: Tuesday, 17th December at 11:00 Finite element methods (FEMs) are often used to discretize second-order elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs). While standard FEMs rely on underlying uniform meshes, adaptive FEMs (AFEMs) drive the local mesh-refinement to capture potential singularities of the (unknown) PDE solution (stemming, e.g., from the data or the domain geometry). Crucially, adaptivity is steered by reliable a posteriori error control, often encoded in the paradigm SOLVE — ESTIMATE — MARK — REFINE. AFEMs allow to obtain optimal rates of convergence with respect to the number of degrees of freedom (an improvement to standard FEMs). However, in terms of computational costs, an adaptive algorithm is inherently cumulative in nature: an initial coarse mesh is used as input and exact finite element solutions need to be computed on consecutively refined meshes before a desired accuracy can be ensured. Thus, in practice, one strives instead to achieve optimal complexity, i.e., optimal rate of convergence with respect to the overall computational cost. The core ingredient needed for optimal complexity consists in the use of appropriate iterative solvers to be integrated as the SOLVE module within the adaptive algorithm. More precisely, one requires:(i) a solver whose each iteration is: (a) of linear complexity and (b) contractive;(ii) a-posteriori-steered solver-stopping criterion which allows to discern and balance discretization and solver error;(iii) nested iteration, i.e., the last computed solver-iterate is used as initial guess in the newly-refined mesh. First, we develop an optimal local multigrid for the context of symmetric linear elliptic second order PDEs and a finite element discretization with a fixed polynomial degree p and a hierarchy of bisection-generated meshes with local size h. The solver contracts the algebraic error hp-robustly and comes with a built-in a posteriori estimator equivalent to the algebraic error.Second, the overall adaptive algorithm is then shown…
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Lina Zhao: Thursday, 12th December at 11:00 In this talk, we present a parameter-free hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method of arbitrary polynomial orders for the linear elasticity problem, where the symmetry of stress is strongly imposed. The $H(\tdiv;\Omega)$-conforming space is used for the approximation of the displacement and the standard polynomial space is used for the approximation of the stress. The tangential trace of displacement acts as the Lagrange multiplier. The quasi-optimal approximation (up to data-oscillation term) is established for the $L^2$-error of stress and discrete $H^1$-error of displacement with $\lambda$-independent constants without requiring additional regularity assumption. To guide adaptive mesh refinement, $\lambda$-robust a posteriori error estimator is derived. Several numerical experiments will be reported to demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme.
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Guillaume Bonnet: Thursday, 21st November at 11:00 The numerical discretisation of elliptic equations in nondivergence form is notoriously challenging, due to the lack of a notion of weak solutions based on variational principles. In many cases, there still is a well-posed variational formulation for such equations, which has the particularity of being posed in 𝐻², and therefore leads to a strong solution. Galerkin discretizations based on this formulation have been studied in the literature. Since 𝐻² conforming finite elements tend to be considered impractical, most of these discretizations are of discontinuous Galerkin type. On the other hand, it has been observed in the virtual element literature that the virtual element method provides a practical way to build 𝐻² conforming discretizations of variational problems. In this talk, I will describe a virtual element discretization of equations in nondivergence form. I will start with a simple linear model problem, and show how the 𝐻² conformity of the method allows for a particularly simple well-posedness and error analysis. I will then discuss the extension to equations with lower-order terms and with Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman type nonlinearities, and present some numerical results.
Jørgen S. Dokken: Thursday, 10th October at 11:00 The FEniCS project was started in 2003 as a collaboration between ToyotaTechnological Institute at Chicago, The University of Chicago and Chalmers University of Technology. The vision of the project was to create an open-source project that included the automation of modelling, optimization and discretization of differential equations. The plan was to create a generalized and efficient framework that was easy to use. With this goal the project expanded from being a pure C++ code (DOLFIN) to being a combined C++/Python framework for solving PDEs. One of the most notable outcomes of the project is the Unified Form Language, a domain specific language for representing PDEs in a variational form using computational symbolic algebra. In this talk, I will go through some of the historical context of the FEniCS project and its evolution into DOLFINx (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10447666). A presentation of the core components will highlight the newest developments and the extensibility of the framework.
André Harnist: Tuesday, 15th October at 11:00 We design a posteriori estimates for finite element approximations of nonlinear elliptic problems satisfying strong-monotonicity and Lipschitz-continuity properties. These estimates include and build on, any iterative linearization method that satisfies a few clearly identified assumptions; this encompasses the Picard, Newton, and Zarantonello linearizations. The estimates give a guaranteed upper bound on an augmented energy difference (reliability with constant one), as well as a lower bound (efficiency up to a generic constant). We prove that for the Zarantonello linearization, this generic constant only depends on the space dimension, the mesh shape regularity, and possibly the approximation polynomial degree in four or more space dimensions, making the estimates robust with respect to the strength of the nonlinearity. For the other linearizations, there is only a computable dependence on the local variation of the linearization operators. We also derive similar estimates for the usual energy difference that depend locally on the nonlinearity and improve the established bound. Numerical experiments illustrate and validate the theoretical results, for both smooth and singular solutions.