Template library for discontinuous skeletal methods like discontinuous Galerkin (dG) and hybrid-high order (HHO) by Matteo Cicuttin
Multigrid method steered by a posteriori estimates of the algebraic error, p-robust by Jan Papež and Ani Miraçi.
A posteriori tutorial and scripts. A posteriori package (by Zuqi Tang). For error control and adaptivity.
PyNKRT is a reactive transport code using the Newton-Krylov method to couple chemistry and transport. It is built on the ComPASS for the transport
MODFRAC a is a C/POSIX-threads/OpenMP software for the mesh generation of Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN).
NEF++ is a C++ software to solve flow problems in fractured rocks using the Hybrid High Order (HHO) methods.
Paracirce a is a C++17/MPI/OpenMP parallel library for the generation of Gaussian Random Fields (GRF). The algorithm is based on the Circulant Embedding method.
SBM is a set of C tools aiming at performing benchmark tests for Monte Carlo algorithms for moving particles in one-dimensional discontinuous media.
pruners is a dedicated langage to ease parametric studies.
Formal developments and proofs in Coq of numerical analysis problems. The current long-term goal is to formally prove parts of a C++ library implementing the Finite Element Method.
Ref-indic is an adaptive parameterization platform using refinement indicators (OCaml). .
A functional parallel skeleton compiler and programming system for OCaml programs easy coarse grain parallelization (OCaml).
A state-oriented simulator for differential equations, possibly including conditionals and “idealized behaviors” resulting from passing to the limit over some parameters. More details coming soon!