06 September – Rolf Stenberg: Nitsche’s Method for Elastic Contact Problems

Rolf Stenberg: Monday 06th June at 15:00


ABSTRACT: In this talk, we present a priori and a posteriori error estimates for the frictionless contact problem between two elastic bodies. The analysis is built upon interpreting Nitsche’s method as a stabilised finite element method for which the error estimates can be derived with minimal regularity assumptions and without a saturation assumption. The stabilising term corresponds to a master-slave mortaring technique on the contact boundary. The numerical experiments show the robustness of Nitsche’s method and corroborate the efficiency of the a posteriori error estimators.

[1] T. Gustafsson, R. Stenberg, J. Videman. On Nitsche’s method for elastic contact problems. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing. 42 (2020) B425–B446

[2] T. Gustafsson, R. Stenberg, J. Videman. The masters-slave Nitsche method for elastic contact problems. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications – ENUMATH 2019. J.F. Vermolen, C. Vuik, M. Moller (Eds.). Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. 2021

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