Application Form – PostDoc Positions in Human-centered shared control of multi-robot systems at the microscale

    Application Form for the PostDoc Position in
    Human-centered shared control of multi-robot systems at the microscale

    First and Last Name *

    Email Address*

    Nationality *

    Birth Date *

    Gender *

    Current Affiliation *

    If none, specify the institution of your Ph.D. degree

    Affiliation Country *

    If none, specify the country where you obtained your Ph.D. degree

    Homepage (optional)

    Link to your homepage

    Videos (optional)

    Link to your videos

    Google Scholar (optional)

    Link to your google scholar profile

    Video presentation *

    Link to a short presentation video (in the range of 10-15 mins) about yourself. For instance, you could prepare some slides summarizing your past activities, skills, achievements, and make a short video for illustrating them. You may also comment about your motivation to work with us and why you feel qualified for the position.

    CV and publication list *

    Upload a single PDF file including your CV and publication list (including invited talks and any other item worth to be mentioned).
    Max size: 10 MB. Allowed file types: pdf.

    Link to the Ph.D. thesis*

    Link for downloading your Ph.D. thesis (PDF format)

    Link to most representative papers*

    Link for downloading a (short) selection of your most representative papers. These can include what you consider to be your best work in general, or the work most fitting with the position. You can also include a small text for motivating the selection.

    Ph.D. Reports (optional)

    Upload a single PDF file including any document meant to assess your Ph.D. thesis and defense (e.g., reports of external reviewers, final assessment of the Ph.D. defense committee, etc.)
    Max size: 10 MB. Allowed file types: pdf.

    Year of completion of the Ph.D. program*

    Specify the year in which you obtained your Ph.D. degree

    Duration of the Ph.D. program*

    Specify the duration of your Ph.D. degree (in number of years)

    Cover Letter *

    Include a (brief) cover letter explaining your motivation to work with us and why you are the right candidate for the position
    Remaining characters: 3000

    Name of First Referee *

    Affiliation of First Referee *

    Email of First Referee *

    Relation with First Referee *

    Specify the relation with your first referee (e.g., Ph.D. Advisor)

    Name of Second Referee (optional)

    Affiliation of Second Referee (optional)

    Email of Second Referee (optional)

    Relation with Second Referee (optional)

    Specify the relation with your second referee (e.g., Ph.D. Advisor)

    Name of Third Referee (optional)

    Affiliation of Third Referee (optional)

    Email of Third Referee (optional)

    Relation with Third Referee (optional)

    Specify the relation with your third referee (e.g., Ph.D. Advisor)

    Reference Letters (optional)

    Reference letters in a single PDF (if not available they will be requested ONLY in case your application is considered)
    Max size: 4 MB. Allowed file types: pdf.

    Additional Comments (optional)

    Additional comments (if any)
    Remaining characters: 2000

    Please note the following.
    In case of a positive evaluation, you should be contacted within 4 weeks from your application.
    In case of a negative evaluation, you won't hear back .

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