Team meetings

NEO has a fortnightly internal meeting called the NIM (NEO’s Internal Meeting). Thursday 11 July 2024: talk by Khushboo Agarwal. Wednesday 3 July 2024: seminar by Erik G. Larsson, Linköping University, Sweden. Friday 28 June 2024: seminar by Cecilia González…

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Thesis defense

Angelo Rodio, Phd Student in NEO team and supervised by Giovanni NEGLIA and Alain JEAN-MARIE, has defended his thesis on Wednesday, July 3rd, in Euler violet Room, from 2:00 pm. Congratulations Angelo! Thesis title: Client Heterogeneity in Federated Learning Systems…

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NEO Seminar: Rajesh Sundaresan – The four levels of fixed points in mean-field interacting particle systems

Speaker: Rajesh Sundaresan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Title: The four levels of fixed points in mean-field interacting particle systems Time and place: May 30, 2024, at 14:30 in Salle Lagrange Gris, Inria, Sophia Antipolis Webex connection: Meeting…

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