International funding initiatives

International teams/collaborations

MICCHI (January 2024 – December 2025)

  • Project Title: Mecanismos e Incentivos Contra la Crisis HIdrica
  • Funding institution: Chile’s Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarollo (ANID)
  • Coordination: U. de O’Higgins (Chile).
  • Other partners: U. of Chile, U. of Barcelona, INRAe.
  • Coordinator for Inria: A. Jean-Marie.

The water crisis caused by global warming is one of the most important problems affecting agricultural regions such as the sixth chilean Region of O’Higgins. The main objective of this project is to investigate different mechanisms for the allocation of water resources in times of scarcity.

MATH AmSud Project GSA (January 2023 – December 2024)

  • Project Title: Graph spectra and its applications

The present project proposes the establishment of a network of collaboration among Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and France, using the strength of 5 mathematics groups of 5 different institutions. The research topic of the proposal is Algebraic Graph Theory, an important and modern area of discrete mathematics. The proposal is structured in such a way that the training of highly qualified human resources and research activities are intertwined, this will ensure the generation of new knowledge in a relevant scientific area and leave permanent ties of collaboration between the different research groups beyond the completion of the project.

Project coordinators:

  • Vilmar Trevisan, Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Adrián Pastine, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
  • Luis Medina, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
  • Francisca A. M. França, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
  • Konstantin Avrachenkov, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France

Thomas Jefferson Fellowship (2019 – 2022)

Participants: Samir Medina Perlaza, Sadaf ul Zuhra.

  • Funding institution: The Embassy of France in the United States of America
  • Partner Institution: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institut, N.Y., USA and Princeton Univ., N.J. USA.

This fellowship, essentially for mobility between the USA and France, supports our research in foundational questions pertinent to two emerging wireless communication technologies: (i) energy harvesting (EH) systems, and (ii) ultra low-latency systems for critical missions (e.g., remote surgery). The EH technology enables charging batteries from ambient sources, and leads to energy self-sustainability by eliminating the critical dependence of wireless systems on manual battery charging. Designing EH technology in mission-critical (MC) systems, the operation of which hinges on reliable communication with ultra low latency, necessitates addressing foundational questions for a principled design of the MC systems. This project explores two strongly symbiotic research directions for establishing the fundamental limits of (i) data transmission and, (ii) simultaneous energy and data transmission, in MC systems empowered by EH. The expected results have applications in, e.g., disaster relief, medical instruments, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of things.

Indo-French Exchange Grant Cefipra “Monte Carlo” (2015-2017)

This grant had K. Avrachenkov as principal investigator in MAESTRO, and involves IIT Bombay (PI V.S. Borkar) and IIS Bangalore (PI R. Sundaresan). Main topics of the project are stochastic numerical methods for network analytics.

STIC AmSud Project DyGaMe (January 2016 – December 2017)

Stochastic Dynamic Game Theory is developing in Engineering sciences and is in need of more theoretical results, algorithms and applications. The DyGaMe (Dynamic Games Methods: theory, algorithmics and applications) project brought together researchers from Applied Mathematics, Operations Research and Economics, with the objective of contributing to these aspects. It has more specifically concentrated on agent rationality and the game structure, looked for efficient solution algorithms by crossing Applied Mathematics and Operations Research techniques, and applied the results to problems originating from, on the one hand, security/conservation concerns, and on the other hand, sustainable development problems. Partners were MAESTRO, CNRS/LIP6 (Paris), CNRS-INRA/LAMETA (Montpellier), Universidad de Chile and Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina).

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