
marmoteCore is a library and API for manipulating Markov chains. This is the “legacy” package which was primarily developed during the ANR MARMOTE project (ANR-12-MONU-0019). Its newest evolution is the Marmote software, described here .


Description of  marmoteCore in Inria’s Software DataBase (note: the ‘gforge’ links do not work anymore):

  • marmoteCore
    • marmoteCore is a C++ environment for modeling with Markov chains. It consists in a reduced set of high-level abstractions for constructing state spaces, transition structures and Markov chains (discrete-time and continuous-time). It provides the ability of constructing hierarchies of Markov models, from the most general to the particular, and equip each level with specifically optimized solution methods. This software was started within the ANR MARMOTE project: ANR-12-MONU-00019.

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