François Faure

Picture Francois Faure I am a Professor of Computer Science at University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, doing research at INRIA,LJK-CNRS. My research work addresses  Physical Simulation for Computer Graphics, both from a modelling and a computational perspective. My recent work includes new deformation models for continuous media mechanics, GPU accelerated collision detection and response, software architecture for heterogeneous simulation, and parallelization on hybrid hardware architectures. I am one of the lead architects of the SOFA simulation library.
Research My Publications Teaching
 Contact/Visit me Stages/Internships & Jobs


  • My current interests include, but are not limited to: deformable models, contact detection and modeling, simulation software architecture, in collaboration with numerous co-authors. The following is a selection of my recent work. See also my complete publication list.

Deformable Models

Physically accurate deformable models are usually designed using Finite Elements (with meshes) or Particle Systems (without meshes). To alleviate the well-known meshing and discretization issues, we have developed frame-based meshless models. They combine the physical soundness of continuous media mechanics  used in physics with the ease of skeleton-based deformations used in traditional computer animation. Recently, we have been using these methods to morph anatomical models. Click on the following images to access the associated pdf, images and videos.

TOG 2011 sig2011

Contact Detection and Modeling

Traditional distance-based collision detection and response is hard because the detection inherently has a quadratic complexity, and penetration depth is a complex, ill-posed problem. We tackle these challenges using a discrete depth-based intersection detection and the minimization of the intersection volume. This allows very efficient implementations on the GPU which return not only a list of contacts, but also repulsion directions. Click on the following images to access the associated pdf, images and videos.


Simulation Software

Programming mechanical simulations for computer graphics requires skills in various domains such as mechanics, numerics, geometry, graphics, etc. We have proposed a modular software architecture inspired from graphical scene graphs, which allows programmers to focus on their own domain of competence while easily combining and re-using modules created by others. This is available in the open-source SOFA simulation library, increasingly popular in the Computer Graphics and Medical Simulation domains.

sofa chain sofa liver
MMVR 2007 Springer 2012

PhD students: Florence Zara, Laks Raghupathi, Matthieu Nesme, Cécile Picard, Everton Hermann, Guillaume Bousquet, Bui Huu Phuoc, Marie Durand, Dicko Ali-Hamadi, Richard Malgat, Pierre-Luc Manteaux

Stages/Internships 2015-2016

N’hésitez pas à me contacter si ces sujets vous intéressent, même si votre profil est différent de ceux indiqués.


M1-MAI – Synthèse d’images

M2R-MOSIG – Computer Animation

M2-MIA – Outils Informatiques

M2-MIA – Animation and Image Synthesis

M1-Informatique – Computer Animation

L3 – MIAM – Synthèse d’images 3D

TU Wien – Computer Animation

Miscellaneous interesting stuff

Some ressources


Phone: +33 (0)4 76 61 54 33

My office is located at Inria-Grenoble in Montbonnot, at this place.

Post: IMAGINE-INRIA, 655 avenue de l’Europe, F-38334 Montbonnot Cedex

Training and education, appointments held

  • 1992 M.Sc. Computer Science, University Paris XI, France.
  • 1993 Agrégation (competitive examination for College professorship) in Mechanics, École Normale Sup. de Cachan
  • 1994-1997 : Lecturer, University of Grenoble
  • 1997 Ph.D. Computer Graphics, University of Grenoble, France (advisor: Claude Puech)
  • 1999-20011 : Assistant Professor, University of Grenoble
  • 2008 Habilitation Computer Science, University of Grenoble.
  • 2010-2012: Invited Scientist/Professor at UBC, Vancouver
  • since 2011 : Professor, Grenoble University

Anatomy Transfer to MRI – M2 Internship

Anatomy Transfer to MRI Images (This position is not available any more) M2 Internship at IMAGINE with François Faure In a recent work, we showed that it is possible to transfer a complete reference anatomy to an arbitrary humanoid character based using only skin correspondence, by stuffing the empty space using interpolation and applying rule-based …

Computer Animation – M2R MOSIG

Overview Kinematics 1 Introduction to kinematics Motion capture and reuse Assignment See also: Bill Baxter’s introduction to inverse kinematics Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing Press, Teukolski, Vetterling, Flannery, Cambridge University Press the Eigen matrix library Versatile walk engine Ronan Boulic , Branislav Ulicny , Daniel Thalmann Journal of Game Development, 2004 …

Computer Animation – TUWien

  Overview Modeling Introduction to hierarchical modeling using OpenInventor (see also the resource page) Introduction to frame hierarchies Practice: planetary system Interpolation Interpolation (slides) Video: blend shapes Skinning and Deformable surfaces. Video: character skinning artifacts and weight painting Practice: camera interpolation Advanced kinematics Inverse kinematics (CCD only) Motion capture and  motion graphs Motion retargetting Videos: …


essais divers LateX marche: mais pas si on laisse des balises html trainer dans le code: Une dtd: example à télécharger (l’affichage dans votre navigateur pourrait être corrompu)

Install sofa on a virtual Ubuntu

  Create the virtual machine Install and run VirtualBox Create a virtual disk. 9 GB are sufficient for a Release Build. Add 8 GB for a Debug build. It is not clear wethor a Fixed Size disc really provides better performances than Dynamic Size. Other  parameters you may want to set are the number of …


Links Image Synthesis OpenGL 1.1 Reference Book Nate Robin’s tutorials on OpenGL Romain Vergne’s course on image synthesis A very good page on OpenGL matrices OpenGL 2.1 manpages Glut manpages GLSL documentation GLM: download, use the namespace

M1 info – Computer Animation

Computer Animation M1 informatique, UJF-Grenoble Part 1 Introduction to OpenInventor (see also the resource page) Practice: planetary system Part 2 Frame hierarchies Interpolation (slides) Practice: biped Part 3 Inverse kinematics (CCD only) Deformable surfaces Motion capture and  motion graphs Videos: setting up a walk cycle, character skinning artifacts and weight painting, bone rigging, blend shapes …

M1-MAI Synthèse d’images

Synthèse d’images M1 MAI Introduction générale, couleur , et représentation d’une image (pp 23-27) TP1: codage ascii et binaire d’images documents annexes Introduction à OpenGL et glut: tp Maillages TP cubecouleurs à suivre… Textures: intro, tp Transformations géométriques TP transformations géométriques: tp_transformations_etudiants Éclairage: intro, tp Exercice: maillages texturés, illuminés Shaders: intro: GPU_2014.ppt, exercices Un ancien …

M2-MIA – Animation and Image Synthesis

M2-MIA – Animation and Image Synthesis Themes Inverse Kinematics Lecture slides: Bill Baxter’s introduction to inverse kinematics Assignment: uncompress this file and open README.html GLSL Shaders Lecture slides Assignment: uncompress this file example: glsl_skinning_tp Useful Links

Miscellaneous interesting stuff

Miscellaneous interesting stuff Sorting algorithms illustrated using videos, and their C++ code    

Offre d’emploi: Ingénieur R&D en animation par modèles physiques

  Ingénieur R&D C++ : intégration d’un moteur physique 3D dans un logiciel d’animation Lieu :   INRIA Rhône-Alpes (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) Inovallee, Montbonnot (à côté de Grenoble)   Poste et Mission :   CDD 1 an renouvelable à partir de Septembre 2013   Vous intégrerez une équipe …

Offre de stage TER 2013 – Interaction corporelle avec des objets virtuels

Interaction corporelle avec des objets virtuels Offre de stage TER 2013, niveau M1-info, encadré par Edmond Boyer et François Faure à l’INRIA-Rhône-Alpes L’interaction avec des objets virtuels dans des des scènes 3D peut permettre de de simuler la réalité à des fins d’entraînement à des tâches manuelles, comme des gestes médicaux ou l’assemblage de mécanismes, …

Outils Informatiques – M2 MAI

Outils Informatiques Travaux pratiques tp_CMake_QtCreator Git tutorial Qt XML Doxygen Python Mini-projet Sujet par défaut: refaites entièrement en Python l’application Qt-XML. Créez l’interface entièrement à l’aide de commande Python, sans utiliser de fichier .ui. Useful links C++ C++ reference another C++ reference, with examples that you can edit and run within the web page ! …

SOFA training days, 15-19 October 2012

A Sofa training session will take place 15-19 October 2012 in Grenoble for registered people. Program – Venue – Material Program Monday 9:30 Welcome 10:00 Principles of SOFA 11:50 Lunch 13:15-17:00 Hands-on: designing SOFA scenes Tuesday: Specific topics 9:00 GUI and viewers, Hannah Carbonnier 9:40 Image plugin, Benjamin Gilles 10:20 break 10:30 Mesh data structures, …

Stable Constrained Dynamics

Stable Constrained Dynamics Maxime Tournier, Matthieu Nesme, Benjamin Gilles, François Faure Abstract We present a unification of the two main approaches to simulate deformable solids, namely elasticity and constraints. Elasticity accurately handles soft to moderately stiff objects, but becomes numerically hard as stiffness increases. Constraints efficiently handle high stiffness, but when integrated in time they …

TER 2013 – Simulation interactive de couplage d’objets rigides et déformables

Offre de Stage: Simulation interactive de couplage d’objets rigides et déformables Stage TER au printemps 2013, niveau M1 info,  chez IMAGINE-INRIA, encadré par  François Faure, à contacter.   La librairie SOFA développée à l’INRIA sert à créer des simulateurs mécaniques interactifs pour des applications diverses allant de la santé aux loisirs. Un de ses points …

(No title)

Synthèse d’images 3D L3 MIAM Séances Seance01 – introduction Séance 02 – maillages (suite). Suivre Introduction to meshes. Séance 03 – maillages Séance 04 – textures Séance 05 – Introduction à l’éclairage  –  Cube illuminé Séance 06 – Introduction à Web3D Séance 07 – Exercice sur X3D, à faire en autonomie et à m’envoyer Séance …

Modélisation maxillo-faciale

Projet de fin d’études de M2 Pro Contact: François Faure Contexte La startup Anatoscope, issue de laboratoires CNRS et INRIA, développe des logiciels de modélisation et  simulation d’avatars biomécaniques 3D pour la mise au point de traitements médicaux personnalisés. Les avatars personnalisés sont construits en recalant (déformant) un avatar canonique sur la morphologie du patient. …

Offre de stage: Maintenance et Exploitation d’une Ontologie Anatomique

Stage de niveau M1, M2 ou IT2 d’informatique (UJF: M2 GI, M2 SCCI, M1 info). Durée et difficulté adaptables selon le niveau. Contexte Imagine est une équipe de recherche sur la création de contenu numérique pour l’informatique graphique et les mondes virtuels, hébergée à l’INRIA de Montbonnot. En collaboration avec le laboratoire d’anatomie de la …

Proposition de stage: Modelage bimanuel d’objets virtuels

Proposition de stage: Modelage bimanuel d’objets virtuels Contexte: Nous développons depuis plusieurs années une librairie de simulation physique appelé SOFA [2]. Elle intègre, entre autres, de nouveaux modèles de déformation, appelés frame-based, pour déformer des objets à l’aide d’un ou plusieurs repères de contrôle [1]. Ces modèles appliquent la mécanique des milieux continus aux déformations …

Research Master Internship: Reduced Models of Human Joints

Reduced Models of Human Joints Research Master Internship Goal: high-quality, interactive biomechanical simulations Motivation Interactive biomechanical simulations allow us to interact in real-time with 3D anatomical models. They are increasingly used for surgery rehearsal and teaching, and we believe that their use will spread to other domains such as industrial design and games. Deformable objects …