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Mira Kabbara

I am a PhD student at Université Gustave Eiffel Nantes, under the supervision of Dr. Qinghua Zhang, Dr. Frédéric Bourquin and Dr. Xavier Chapeleau.

Research interests/field of activity

In the field of distributed optical fiber sensors, I am working on the modeling and the characterization of “robust” (with metallic reinforcement) optical cables (used as sensor) for the purpose of estimating crack openings in concrete structures.

Short bio

Master in Applied Mathematics from Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon
Research Master in “Modélisation et Analyse Numériques” from Université de Montpellier
End-of-study internship with BRGM (bureau de recherche géologique et minière) in Orléans


UGE – Campus de Nantes
Allée des Ponts et Chaussées
44340 Bouguenais
e-mail: mira.kabbara(at)
