17th November – Fabio Vicini: Flow simulations on porous fractured media: a small numerical overview from my perspective

Fabio Vicini Thursday 17th Nov at 11:00


The presentation will focus on some numerical aspects of the simulations of porous-fractured media I have experienced so far. Flow simulations on porous fractured media contain many numerical challenging issues related to complex geometries and the severe size of the computational domain.
In real applications, indeed, the network of fractures immersed in the rock matrix is usually generated according to known probabilistic distributions, which lead to a huge number of fractures with a multi-scale distribution in sizes. For these reasons, tailored numerical methods are s to overcome these problems and for efficient handling of the computational resources. I will show two different approaches to tackle the classic Darcy single-phase problem with the Discrete Fracture Networks (DFNs) model: one related to a constrained optimization problem and the second related to the modern Virtual Element (VEM) framework.
Moreover, I will present the possibility of investigating the Darcy problem on DFNs as a parameterized differential problem with a Reduced Basis (RB) technique combined with a-posteriori error control.
Finally, I will discuss the possibility of extending the VEM approach for the simulation of a two-phase flow of immiscible fluids.

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