Firas Abi Farraj Ph.D. Defense

Firas Abi Farraj will defend his PhD on Tuesday, December 18th at 9:30 at IRISA-Inria Rennes in room Métivier.

The defense will be presented in english.

Contributions to Shared Control Architectures for Advanced Telemanipulation






Abstract :

While full autonomy in unknown environments is still in far reach, shared-control architectures where the human and an autonomous controller work together to achieve a common objective may be a pragmatic “middle-ground”. In this thesis, we have tackled the different issues of shared-control architectures for grasping and sorting applications. In particular, the work is framed in the H2020 RoMaNS project whose goal is to automatize the sort and segregation of nuclear waste by developing shared control architectures allowing a human operator to easily manipulate the objects of interest. The thesis proposes several shared-control architectures for dual-arm manipulation with different operator/autonomy balance depending on the task at hand. While most of the approaches provide an instantaneous interface, we also propose architectures which automatically account for the pre-grasp and post-grasp trajectories allowing the operator to focus only on the task at hand (ex., grasping). The thesis also proposes a shared control architecture for controlling a force-controlled humanoid robot in which the user is informed about the stability of the humanoid through haptic feedback. A new balancing algorithm allowing for the optimal control of the humanoid under high interaction forces is also proposed.

PhD Committee :

  • Antonio Bicchi: Professeur, Université de Pise, Rapporteur
  • Jee-Hwan Ryu: Professeur, Koreatech, Full Professor in Mechanical Engineering, KOREATECH, Cheonan, Rapporteur
  • François Chaumette: DR1 INRIA, Rennes, Examinateur
  • Katherine Kuchenbecker: Directrice du département sur l’intelligence haptique, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Munich, Examinateur
  • Maud Marchal: Maitre de Conférences, Univ. Rennes, INSA, IRISA, Examinateur
  • Christian Ott: Directeur de département “Analyse et contrôle sur les systèmes robotiques avancés” Institut de Robotique et méchatronique, Munich, Examinateur
  • Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Directeur de Thèse


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