Seminar of Jee-Hwan Ryu (KOREATECH)

Jee-Hwan Ryu (full professor at the BioRobotics Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, KOREATECH) is a leading expert in the field of teleoperation, haptics and shared control.

Prof. Ryu will give a talk on *Dec. 19th at 11:00* in Salle Minquiers.

Title: How Stiff or Light we can Reach: Time-domain Passivity Approach for Stable and Transparent Haptic Interaction


The addition of haptic capability dramatically increases the immersiveness of human-robot interaction in AR/VR or teleoperation. That is because the sense of touch conveys rich and detailed information about virtual or remote environments. However, it has been challenging to provide immersive feelings of touch due to the limited range of impedance that a haptic device can display without any stability issue. In this presentation, we will be discussing how to realize stable and immersive human-robot haptic interaction, in particular from the aspect of tight haptic coupling between human and virtual/remote environment. Several state-of-the-art control methods, such as Time Domain Passivity Approach, Successive Stiffness Increment, Successive Force Augmentation method will be introduced, which have been developed for increasing the impedance range of both impedance type and admittance type haptic interfaces for the interaction with virtual objects and remote environments. A stable bilateral teleoperation method to overcome time varying communication delay will be introduced as well with several implementation examples with DLR space telerobotic systems. In addition, some recent research activities on shared teleoperation to relieve the operator’s workload will be discussed.


Jee-Hwan Ryu received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Inha University, South Korea, in 1995, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from KAIST, South Korea, in 1995 and 2002, respectively. From 2002 to 2003, he worked as a post-doc researcher in the department of electrical engineering at the University of Washington, and at the similar time, he was also affiliated with the institute of robotics and mechatronics in DLR as a visiting scientist. Prior to joining KOREATECH, from 2003 to 2005, he was a research professor in the department of electrical engineering at KAIST. He is currently a full professor with the department of mechanical engineering, KOREATECH, South Korea. His research interests include haptics, telerobotics, exoskeletons, and autonomous vehicles. He has received several awards including IEEE Most Active Technical Committee Award as a Co-chair of TC Haptics in 2015, Best poster award in 2010 IEEE Haptic Symposium. He has been served as an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, and since 2017, he has been serving as an Associate Editor-in-chief in World Haptics Conference. He was involved in many international conference organization, and especially, he was a general chair of AsiaHaptics2018.

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