Marco Cognetti

Marco Cognettiphoto

CNRS Postdoctoral Researcher


Short bio

From February 2017 to November 2019, I was a Postdoctoral researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at Irisa and Inria Rennes.

From May 2016 to February 2017, I was a Postdoctoral researcher at the Robotics Lab of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale (DIAG), « Sapienza – University of Rome ».

The main topic of my research is (active) state estimation.
Moreover, I’m interested in the whole-body motion planning and control for humanoid robots. In fact, I faced the problem of task-constrained motion planning for humanoids, i.e. planning the motion of a humanoid robot that must execute a manipulation task, possibly requiring stepping, in environments cluttered by obstacles.

Finally, I also worked in the localization and control of a team of heterogeneous robot. In this research, a team is composed by an aerial vehicle (UAV) and several ground robots (UGVs). The idea is to fuse the supervising role of the UAV and the on-site point of view of the UGVs to accomplish several tasks.

From March 2011 to October 2011 I visited the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Franchi.

From January 2015 to July 2015 I visited the Personal Robotics Lab at « The Robotics Institute – Carnegie Mellon University » under the supervision of Prof. Siddhartha Srinivasa.

From October 2012 to May 2016 I was a Ph.D. student at the Robotics Lab of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale (DIAG), « Sapienza – University of Rome ».

Check also my former website, where you can find documents and videos of my papers.

Curriculum Vitae

Download the Curriculum Vitae (PDF).

Latest news

  • Main organizer of 2018 IEEE/RSJ IROS workshop: Haptic-Enabled Shared Control of Robotic Systems: A Compromise Between Teleoperation and Autonomy
  • Organizer of 2020 IEEE ICRA workshop: Shared Autonomy: Learning and Control


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