
1/5/2024: Khushboo Agarwal is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

15/3/2024: Lucas Siviero Sibemberg, PhD student from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil) is visiting us for 7.5 months. Welcome!

1/3/2024: Albachiara Bellaroba, from University of Rome La Sapienza, is joining us for a 6-month internship. Welcome!

1/1/2024: Ahmad Nasser is joining us as pre-PhD student. Welcome!

18/12/2023: Diego Goldsztajn is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

1/12/2023: Xufeng Zhang is joining us as a PhD student. Welcome!

1/10/2023: Louis Hauseux is joining us as a PhD student. Welcome!

4/9/2023: Julian Santos is joining us as a PhD student at Orange. Welcome!

4/9/2023: Kavitha Veeraruna, Professor at IIT Bombay, is joining us for a 3.5-month sabbatical. Welcome!

10/5/2023: Mihir Deshpande is joining us as an intern. Welcome!

9/5/2023: Tejas Pagare is joining us as an intern. Welcome!

1/5/2023: Louis Hauseux is joining us as an engineer. Welcome!

17/4/2023: Lotte Weedage, PhD student from University of Twente, is joining us for a 3-months visit. Welcome !

1/4/2023: Hariprasad Manjunath is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

1/3/2023: Mohamed Salah Jebali, from University of Florence, is joining us for a 6-month internship. Welcome!

1/3/2023: Francesco Diana is joining us as a Master Ubinet intern. Welcome!

1/3/2023: Xufeng Zhang, from University of Rome La Sapienza, is joining us for a 6-month internship. Welcome!

1/2/2023: Emmanouil (Manos) Athanasakos is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

1/12/2022: Xinying Zou is joining us as a PhD student. Welcome!

3/11/2022: Lucas Gamertsfelder, PhD student from Macquarie University, Australia, will be visiting us for three months. Welcome!

2/11/2022: Vijith Kumar is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

28/10/2022: Ibtihal El Mimouni is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

3/10/2022: Ashok Krishnan Komalan Sindhu is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

3/10/2022: Charlotte Rodriguez is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

3/10/2022: Cosimo Giani, from University of Florence, is joining us for a 6-month internship. Welcome!

1/9/2022: Mandar Datar is joining us again, this time as a post-doc. Welcome back!

16/5/2022: Sundararajan Srinivasan, from IISc Bengalore, is joining us for a two-month internship. Welcome!

13/5/2022: Girik Maskara, from IIT Kampur, is joining us for a two-month internship. Welcome!

1/2/2022: Vinay Kumar is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

3/1/2022: Jose Francisco Daunas Torres, PhD student at Sheffield University, becomes member of NEO. Welcome!

3/1/2022: Francescomaria Faticanti is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

3/1/2022: Sun Ke is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

3/1/2022: Suhail Mohmad is joining us as a post-doc. Welcome!

3/1/2022: Ye Xiuzhen, PhD student at Sheffield University, becomes member of NEO. Welcome!

1/10/2021: Jake Clarkson is joining us for a 12-month Postdoc. Welcome!

16/8/2021: Philippe Nain is joining us as emeritus senior researcher. Welcome again Philippe!

1/7/2021: Caelin Kaplan is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

1/4/2021: Angelo Rodio is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

23/3/2021: Ibtihal El Mimouni and Oualid Zari are joining us as Master Ubinet interns (scholarships from DS4H graduate school) for 6 months. Welcome!

1/2/2021: Yuzhou Chen is joining us as visiting PhD from Southern Methodist University for 6 months. Welcome back!

1/1/2021: Jane Desplanques is joining us as assistant. Welcome!

1/1/2021: Gabriele Castellano is joining us as Postdoc, with our colleagues of Nokia in Nozay. Welcome!

1/1/2021: Nandan Makhotra is joining us as IISER Mohali Master intern for 4 months. Welcome!

1/1/2021: Kausthub Keshava is joining us again as IISER Mohali Master intern for 4 more months. Welcome back!

1/10/2020: Younes Ben Mazziane is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

1/9/2020: Olga Chuchuk is joining us as PhD student, funded by CERN. Welcome!

1/7/2020: Sadaf Ul Zuhra is joining us for a 12-month Postdoc. Welcome!

15/6/2020: Kausthub Keshava is joining us as IISER Mohali Master intern for 6 months. Welcome!

9/3/2020: Younes Ben Mazziane, Haoran Ding, Abdelkarim Hafid and Pan Kaiyun are joining us as Ubinet interns for 6 months. Welcome!

1/3/2020: Ramakrishnan Sambamoorthy is joining us for an 18-month Postdoc. Welcome!

17/2/2020: Maksim Mironov, PhD student from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, is joining us for a 3-months visit. Welcome again!

20/1/2020: Haleh Dizaji, PhD student at the University of Tabriz, Iran, is joining us for a 6-month visit. Welcome!

20/1/2020: Lucas Lopes, Master student at UFRJ, is joining us for a 3-month internship. Welcome!

2/1/2020: Samaresh Bera is joining us as engineer working with Nokia. Welcome!

2/1/2020: Ghilas Ferrat is joining us as pre-PhD student. Welcome!

2/12/2019: Othmane Marfoq is joining us as pre-PhD student. Welcome!

2/12/2019: Vidhya Kannan is joining us as intern of the Data Science master of the Data ScienceTech Institute in Sophia. Welcome!

19/11/2019: Kaiyun Pan and Younes Ben Mazziane are joining us as Ubinet PFE interns until mid-December. Welcome!

1/10/2019: Tareq Si Salem is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

1/10/2019: Kishor Patil is joining us as a Postdoc. Welcome!

1/9/2019: Siemo Zhang, Master student from the University of Twente, is visiting us for 3 months. Welcome!

1/7/2019: Anirudh Sabnis, PhD student from UMass, joins us for a 3-month intenship. Welcome!

10/6/2019: Quentin Petitjean is joining us for a 3-month internship for ENS Paris Saclay. Welcome!

1/6/2019: Mikhail Kamalov is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

1/6/2019: Omar Mohamed is joining us as engineer. Welcome!

2/5/2019: Andrei Bobu is joining us as a Postdoc. Welcome!

11/1/2019: Vera Samoili is joining us for a 6-month internship funded by Bodossaki foundation. Welcome!

7/1/2019: Maksim Mironov and Mikhail Grigorev, from MFTI, Moscow, are joining us for a 1-month internship. Welcome!

19-20/11/2018: Foivos Fioravantes, Nicola Sebastianelli and Wang Hao are joining us as Ubinet PFE interns until mid-December. Welcome!

12/10/2018: Adeel Khalid Siddiqui is joining us as tutored Master intern, to work on project MYDATA. Adeel is student from the M1 International of UCA. Welcome!

3/9/2018: Nicolas Allegra is joining us as a Postdoc. Welcome!

3/9/2018: Maximilien Dreveton is joining us as a Inria PhD student. Welcome!

3/9/2018: Guilherme Iecker Ricardo is joining us as PhD student in Eurecom. Welcome!

3/9/2018: Mikhail Kamalov, PhD student from St Petersburg University is joining us for a 3-month internship. Welcome!

7/6/2018: Yuzhou Chen, PhD student from Southern Methodist University (US) is joining us for a 3-month internship. Welcome!

1/6/2018: Yu-Zhen (Janice) Chen is joining us as intern until end of July, and Abhishek Bose is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

15/5/2018: Utsav Sen and Pulkit Goel, students from IIT New Delhi, are starting their internship within the team, until end July. Welcome!

9/4/2018: Nour El Houda Ayari is joining for a 6-month internship. Nour is a student at SUPCOM Tunis. Welcome!

1/4/2018: Mandar Datar is joining us as PhD student. Welcome!

15/3/2018: Gianmarco Calbi, a student from Master RIF and Università di Milano-Bicocca, joins us for a 5.5-month internship. Welcome!

1/2/2018: Mishra Nisha, a student from Master ENSIMAG, joins us for a 6-month internship. Welcome!

1/3/2018: Vladyslav Fedchenko, Yafei Xing and Xiawen Zhu are joining us as Master UBINET interns for 6 months. Welcome!

20/11/2017: Konstantinos Dermentzis is joining us for a 6-month internship. Konstantinos is a student at the National Technical University of Athens. Welcome!

2/11/2017: Gagan Deep Singh Chhabra is joining us as Engineer for 6 months. Welcome!

20/09/2017: Berksan Serbetci is joining us for a 3-month internship. Berksan is a PhD student in University of Twente. Welcome!

3/07/2017: Ilya Bogdanov is joining us as intern from Moscow High School of Economics, for a duration of 2 and a half months. Welcome!

3/05/2017: Sarath Pattathil is joining us as intern in Electrical Engineering for IIT Bombay, for a duration of 2 months. Welcome!

1/03/2017: Dima Rubanov is joining us as intern from the Ubinet master program, for a duration of 6 months. Welcome!

20/02/2017: Akhil Padinhare Thalasseryveettil is joining us for a 6-month internship. Akhil is completing his PhD under the supervision of Rajesh Sundaresan at IIT Bengalore. Welcome!

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