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Zakariae Moutaouakil

I am a first-year PhD student at Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique. I am working in the I4S laboratory in collaboration with the ENDSUM team at Cerema. This research is held under the supervision of Dr. Laurent Mevel, Dr. Philippe Foucher, and Dr. Vincent Baltazart.

Research interests

My PhD working field consists of establishing evolution/survival laws for the secondary road network using periodic surface imagery data. The first package of this research will include studying existing survival/evolution laws based on structural and surface physical quantities of the road, and exploring the respective benefits of existing physical quantities and surface descriptors derived from automated road image analysis.

Short bio

Before my PhD, I pursued a Master’s degree in Mathematics, Computer Science and Applications to Data Science at Université Paris Cité. Completed a Research Master’s degree in Fundamental Mathematics from Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. My end-of-study internship was in PRAIRIE Institute in Paris.


Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes

e-mail: zakariae.moutaouakil(at)
