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Qinghua Zhang

Senior researcher (Directeur de Recherche) at Inria in the I4S project team.

Research interests / field of activity

My research interests are in nonlinear system identification, fault diagnosis and signal processing.

Short bio

Qinghua Zhang received his BSc. in 1986 from University of Sciences and Technologies of China, DEA in 1988 from Université de Lille 1, PhD in 1991 and HDR in 1999 both from Université de Rennes 1. He was a post-doctorant during 1992 at the Automatic Control Division of Linköping University. Since 1993 he works at Inria as a researcher, and since 2001 as a senior researcher.

Recent highlights

ERNSI 2021 workshop organized by Inria. (

Frequent downloads

  • Qinghua Zhang. Dynamic System Fault Diagnosis under Sparseness Assumption. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, page 10, April 2021. [pdf |HAL |Google Scholar |IEEE-TSP]
  • Qinghua Zhang, Michel Sorine, and Mehdi Admane. Inverse scattering for soft fault diagnosis in electric transmission lines. IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 59(1):141-148, 2011. [ .pdf |HAL |Google Scholar |IEEE-TAP ]
  • Qinghua Zhang. Adaptive observer for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) linear time varying systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 47(3):525-529, 2002. [ .pdf |HAL |Google Scholar |IEEE-TAC ]

PhD and postdoc supervision activities

PhD students

  • Zhilei Luo (2021-), with co-supervisors Michael Döhler and Vincent Baltazart : Vision-based vibration monitoring of civil structures
  • Bian Xiong (2018-), with co-supervisor Vincent Baltazart : Video-based vibration analysis for structural health monitoring in civil engineering
  • Nassif Berrabah (2014-2017): Problèmes inverses pour le diagnostic de câbles électriques à partir de mesures de réflectométrie
  • Mohamed Oumri (2010-2014): Diagnostic de défauts de réseaux électriques filaires par la réflectométrie
  • Alfredo Illanes-Manriquez (2004-2008), with co-supervisor Michel Sorine : Segmentation de l’électrocardiogramme pour la modélisation de la dynamique du QT lors de l’exercice du handgrip
  • Damiano Di Penta (2004-2007), with co-supervisor Michel Sorine : Modélisation, surveillance et contrôle des niveaux de polluants résidant dans les groupes moto-propulseurs à faibles émissions
  • Aiping Xu (1999-2002): Observateurs adaptatifs non-linéaires et diagnostic de pannes
  • Arnaud Clavel (1998-2002), with co-supervisor Michel Sorine : Modélisation et identification paramétrique de systèmes hystérétiques
  • Olivier Perrin (2000-2003), co-supervision with main supervisor Michèle Basseville : Modélisation et diagnostic de pannes dans des organes de véhicules automobiles à basse consommation
  • Claire Cussenot (1993-1996), co-supervision with main supervisor Michèle Basseville : Surveillance et diagnostic de la chaine de dépollution d’une automobile.
  • Gaël Mathis (1991-1994), co-supervision with main supervisor Michèle Basseville : Outils de détection de rupture et de diagnostic : application à la surveillance de turbines à gaz


  • Liangquan Zhang (2014–2015): Hybrid system fault diagnosis
  • Abdouramane Moussa-Ali (2011–2013): Descriptor system fault diagnosis
  • Boyi Ni (2011–2013): Continuous time system identification
  • Huaibin Tang (2009–2011): Inverse scattering for cable fault diagnosis
  • Stefano Perabo (2005–2007): Fuel cell modeling and fault diagnosis
  • Gerasimos Rigatos (2001-2002): Hypothesis testing in a rule-based decision system

Conference and journal boards

Projects and fundings

Collaborative projects with public fundings

  • Floating offshore wind turbine cable monitoring (Flow-Cam) funded by MarTERA (participation, 2020-2023)
  • Detection of steel defects by enhanced monitoring and automated procedure for self-inspection and maintenance (DESDEMONA) funded by RFCS (participation, 2017–2020)
  • Model driven physical systems operation (MODRIO) funded by ITEA2 (participation, 2012–2016)
  • Soft defects diagnosis in wired networks (SODDA) funded by ANR (management, 2012–2015)
  • Extended block-oriented nonlinear system identification (EBONSI) funded by ANR (coordination, 2011–2014)
  • Modélisation du diagnostic et du pronostic (MODIPRO) funded by AsTech Paris (management, 2010–2012)
  • On-board fault diagnosis for wired networks in automotive systems (0-DEFECT) funded by ANR (management, 2009–2012)
  • Diagnostic de câbles électriques sécuritaires pour grandes infrastructures (INSCAN) funded by ANR (management, 2009–2012)
  • Smart embedded electronic diagnosis system (SEEDS) funded by ANR (management, 2006-2009)
  • Diagnostic de pile à combustible pour applications automobiles (DIAPASON) funded by ANR (participation, 2006–2009)
  • Embedded systems design (ARTIST2) funded by FP6-IST (participation, 2004-2008)
  • Réduction des emissions avec système pile à combustible et reformeur essence (RESPIRE) funded by ADEME (participation, 2004-2007)
  • European research network on system identification (ERNSI) funded by FP4-TMR (management, 1998-2003)

Other public fundings

  • Vision-based vibration monitoring of civil structures. Z. Luo’s PhD project funded by Inria (management, 2021-2024)
  • Video-based vibration analysis for structural health monitoring in civil engineering, B. Xiong’s PhD project funded by Bretagne Region and UGE (management, 2018-2021)

Public-industrial PhD projects (CIFRE)

  • Problèmes inverses pour le diagnostic de câbles électriques à partir de mesures de réflectométrie, PhD student N. Berrabah, funded by ANRT-EDF (management, 2014-2017)
  • Modélisation, surveillance et contrôle des niveaux de polluants résidant dans les groupes moto-propulseurs à faibles émissions, PhD student D. Di Penta, funded by ANRT-Renault (management, 2004-2007)
  • Application à la suspension de véhicules routiers, PhD student A. Clavel, funded by ANRT-Renault (management, 1999-2002)
  • Modélisation et diagnostic de pannes dans des organes de véhicules automobiles à basse consommation, PhD student O. Perrin, funded by ANRT-Renault (participation, 2000-2003)

Industrial fundings

  • Extension of the Matlab System Identification Toolbox to nonlinear systems, Mathworks, (management, 2005-2010)
  • Mud Logging analysis, Geoservices, (management, 2001-2003)
  • Diagnostic de défauts de disjoncteurs, Schneider Electric, (management, 1999-2000)
  • Diagnostic de défauts de générateurs de vapeur, EDF/DER/CCC, (management, 1997-1998)
  • Diagnostic dans une centrale électrique, EDF/DER/SDM, (participation, 1996-1997)


Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes

e-mail: qinghua.zhang(at)

More details can be found on my personal webpage and a complete list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar profile

Frequent downloads

  • Qinghua Zhang. Dynamic System Fault Diagnosis under Sparseness Assumption. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, page 10, April 2021. [pdf |HAL |Google Scholar |IEEE-TSP]
  • Qinghua Zhang, Michel Sorine, and Mehdi Admane. Inverse scattering for soft fault diagnosis in electric transmission lines. IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 59(1):141-148, 2011. [ .pdf |HAL |Google Scholar |IEEE-TAP ]
  • Qinghua Zhang. Adaptive observer for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) linear time varying systems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 47(3):525-529, 2002. [ .pdf |HAL |Google Scholar |IEEE-TAC ]

Publications (since 2008)