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Arij Fawaz

I am a first-year PhD student at Université Gustave Eiffel. I am working in the SMC laboratory abbreviated as ‘Structures Métalliques et à Câbles’ in collaboration with I4S laboratory. This research is held under the supervision of Sylvain Chataigner, Xavier Chapeleau and Emilie Lepretre.

Research interests / field of activity

My PhD working field consists of studying the durability of adhesively bonded joints in marine environment under mode II (shear). The first package of this research includes understanding the impact of seawater diffusion on the behavior of the adherent while clarifying this diffusion phenomenon within the interfacial zone. Then, in the second package, the mechanical properties of the generated specimens will be inspected mainly under creep. As a final step, and in order to expand and comprehend our research vividly, coupling between both (Environmental and mechanical behavior) will be explored. During this research, optical fiber monitoring will be used to enhance the comprehension of the studied mechanisms.

Short bio

1) Masters of research (M2) in (ID-RIMS, Engineering durability – research and innovation of materials and structures) from INSA Toulouse.
2) Internship at LMDC laboratory entitled (Characterization of the kinetic parameters of precipitation and dissolution reactions of cement hydrates (C-S-H)) – Toulouse, France.
3) Civil engineering diploma from Lebanese university faculty of engineering (Hadath, Lebanon -3rd branch).


Université Gustave Eiffel
Campus de Nantes
Allée des Ponts et Chaussées
44344 Bouguenais Cedex

e-mail: arij.fawaz(at)
