Grand Prix INRIA 2014

Nicholas Ayache received the “Grand Prix INRIA – Académie des sciences 2014” for his major contributions to Informatics and Computational Sciences at INRIA. The video presenting his research interests and the work of the team can be found here.

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Outstanding Paper Award at [ABDI-2014]

Chloé Audigier received the Outstanding Paper Award for the below paper at the 6th International Workshop on Abdominal Imaging: Computational and Clinical Applications, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2014 on September 14, 2014, Cambridge, USA. Parameter Estimation for Personalization of Liver Tumor Radiofrequency Ablation C. Audigier, T Mansi, H. Delingette,…

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Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014

This biannual conference series grew out of the FP7 Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence. It has become one of the major instruments for maintaining the coherence and momentum of the highly multidisciplinary VPH community. The members of the VPH community subscribe to the view that a substantially improved healthcare…

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Enduring Impact Award at MICCAI 2013

Nicholas Ayache received MICCAI 2013 “Enduring Impact Award” for  his scientific contributions since the inception of the conference in 1998. This award was established  four years ago and was previously assigned to Ron Kikinis (Harvard Medical School), Russ Taylor (Johns Hopkins), Chris Taylor (Manchester Univ.) And Jerry Prince (Johns Hopkins).…

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