Job Offers

Available Positions




Exploring Variability in Medical Image Segmentation: New Metrics and Frameworks 2 years ASAP
Two Positions in Data Science Deployment and 3D Web Simulation 4 years 01/2021

PhD Thesis



Multimodal Biomarker Extraction for the Prediction of Lung Cancer Targeted Therapy Response 3 years ASAP

Effective AI based Characterization of Prostate Cancer from Multiparametric MRI

3 years ASAP
3 years ASAP
3 years ASAP
Deep Learning Meets Numerical Modelling 3 years ASAP
1 positions on Geometric Statistics ERC G-Statistics (TBA) 3 years 2022-2023

Master Internship



Interpolation and extrapolation of
correlation matrices for dynamic
functional connectivity
6 month 03/2023
From supervised to unsupervised brain shape variability modelling in normal and Alzheimer’s disease 6 month 03/2023
Deep Learning Meets Numerical Modelling 6 months ASAP
Identification and quantification of explanatory variables effects on latent NODE-based trajectories 6 months 02/2023

Recently Proposed Positions

Causal data analysis of in-silico trials Closed 2022
Cardiac Modelling for Medical Device Testing Closed 2021
 AI for Health Data anonymisation Closed 2021
Federated Statistical Learning for New Generation Meta-Analyses of Large-scale and Secured Biomedical Data Closed 2020
1 position on Geometric Statistics ERC G-Statistics Closed 2019
Position in Deep Learning & Cardiac Imaging:
from Image Data to Arrhythmogenic Properties
Closed 2018

PhD Thesis

Phd_announce-phd-PCa-explicabilite Closed 2023
Lie group action, approximate invariance and Sub-Riemannian geometry in statistics Closed 2020
Bias of Federate Learning with Heterogeneous and Missing Data Closed 2019
Physiology-based Learning for Computational Cardiology Closed 2019
Electromechanical Modelling of the Right Ventricle Closed 2019
AI-based Real-time Diagnosis of abdominal organs from Ultrasound Imaging Closed 2019
AI-based Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer from Multiparametric MRI Closed 2019
AI  Methods to select Imaging & Biological markers predictive of Immunotherapy Response in Lung Cancer Closed 2019
Statistical Dimension Reduction in Non-Linear Manifolds for Brain Shape Analysis, Connectomics & Brain-Computer Interfaces Closed 2018
Statistical estimation on Riemannian and affine symmetric spaces with applications to the statistical survey of the brain anatomy Closed 2018

Master Internship

1 position on Computational Cardiology Closed 2020
3D Electromechanical Model of the Heart for Personalised Therapy Closed 2018
Cardiac Modelling and Machine Learning for Pulmonary Hypertension Closed 2018
Joint I3S/Inria Internship on Atrial Fibrillation signal and image processing Closed 2018
Internship on Deep Learning and Atrial Fibrillation Closed 2018

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