Artistic Applications

L’Érosarbénus (Yosra Mojtahedi/Le Fresnoy/2020):

A collaboration between visual artist Yosra Mojtahedi and DEFROST (main contact was Stefan ESCAIDA NAVARRO). This installation, whose aesthetics are inspired by rocky, plant and human forms, is brought to life with the help of Soft Robotics devices. It was awarded the prize “Révélation Art Numérique – Art Vidéo 2020” by the ADAGP.



Origami based soft-robots (Dewi Brunet/2019):

Dew Brunet A collaboration between Dewi Brunet, Olivier GOURY et Bruno CARREZ, exploring the frontier between art of origami and robotics. More information at


Exo-Biote (Jonathan Pepe/Le Fresnoy/2015):

Jonathan Pepe's robots You can follow the blog of Jonathan Pepe, an artist who works with us on soft-robots: Exo-biote-projet.

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