Category: funding

Call for founding members for the Scotch Consortium

Thirty years, to the day, after the first line of code of Scotch was written, we launch the process of creation of an open consortium around it. Scotch is now widely used, either within in-house or third-party software, both in academic and industrial contexts. Some of our users, who decided to made Scotch one of …

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Postdoc position on Heterogeneous Memory

A 2-year postdoc position is available in the TADaaM team for working on heterogeneous memory in the H2M project.

Scotch 7.0 published

We announce the release, as free/libre software, of version 7.0 (codename “Sankara”) of the Scotch + PT-Scotch software package. This is a major release, fruition of six years of development, which brings many innovative features.

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Guillaume Aupy obtained an ANR JCJC — DASH

Guillaume Aupy was granted an ANR JCJC from the AAPG 2017 call. the ANR is scheduled to start on March 1st, more information can be found on the dedicated website. The goal of the project is to study I/O congestion in supercomputers and to provide new static and dynamic algorithms to minimize it.