Author's posts

Talk by Paul Hovland (Argonne Nat Lab) on December 13th

Compressing Checkpoints in MITgcm Adjoint Computations Efficient computation of the gradients used for state estimation in the MITgcm general circulation model requires saving intermediate states to disk.  We present some preliminary experiments on compressing these checkpoints in order to reduce the time to read and write checkpoints or to increase the number of checkpoints written …

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Hugo Taboada defends his PhD thesis

Hugo Taboada will defend his PhD thesis entitled “MPI Non-Blocking Collective Overlap on Manycore Processor” on Tuesday, December 11th at 10:00 AM.   Supercomputers used in HPC are composed of severals inter-connected machines. Usually, they are programmed using MPI which specify an API for messages exchanges between machines. To amortize the cost of MPI collective …

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Nicolas Denoyelle defends his PhD thesis

Nicolas Denoyelle will defend his PhD thesis entitled “From Software Locality to Hardware Locality in Shared Memory Systems with Heterogeneous and Non-Uniform memory“, on Monday,  November 5th at 2:00 PM. Through years, the complexity of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems’ memory hierarchy has increased. Nowadays, large scale machines typically embed several levels of caches and …

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Andres Rubio Proano and Nicolas Vidal join the team as PhD students

Andres will work on task- and data-placement for HPC platforms with heterogeneous and non-volatile memories.  

Talk by Yves Robert on March 12th, 2018

Optimal Cooperative Checkpointing for Shared High-Performance Computing Platforms joint work with Dorian Arnold, George Bosilca, Aurelien Bouteiller, Jack Dongarra, Kurt Ferreira and Thomas Hérault Abstract: In high-performance computing environments, input/output (I/O) from various sources often contend for scarce available bandwidth. Adding to the I/O operations inherent to the failure-free execution of an application, I/O from …

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Talk by Jalil Boukhobza on Feb 27, 2018

Titre: Vers une approche orthogonale pour l’optimisation des (nouveaux) systèmes de stockage Résumé: Aujourd’hui, en une minute, plus de 3 millions de posts sont écrits sur Facebook , plus de 40 000 photos sont déposées sur Instagram, et plus de 120 heures de vidéos sont chargées sur YouTube. Ce ne sont ici que des exemples …

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Talk by Francieli Zanon Boito on Feb 15, 2018

Francieli Zanon Boito (postdoc dans l’équipe Inria Corse à Grenoble) vient nous parler de ses travaux de recherche. Title: I/O scheduling for HPC: finding the right access pattern and mitigating interference Abstract: Scientific applications are executed in a high performance computing (HPC) environment, where a parallel file system (PFS) provides access to a shared storage …

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Open PhD position

An PhD position is available in the team about Data Placement Strategies for Heterogeneous and Non-Volatile Memories in High Performance Computing Get more details and post your CV at

hwloc 2.0.0 and new memory technologies

TADaaM is releasing the new major hwloc 2.0 version which updates the way we model new memory technologies (HBM, NVDIMM, etc). This is the result of two years of work and several research papers about this new modeling and about improving support for manycore architectures at scale. The announce of hwloc 2.0.0

Talk by Bruno Raffin on Jan 30, 2018

Title: High Performance Data Analysis for Parallel Numerical Simulations. Author: Bruno Raffin, Director of Research, DataMove Team, Inria Grenoble Abstract: Large scale numerical simulations are producing an ever growing amount of data that include the simulation results as well as execution traces and logs. These data represent a double challenge. First, these amounts of data …

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