Category: people

Julien Herrmann joins the team as Postdoc

Julien Herrmann has obtained his PhD from ENS Lyon in 2015. He will be working with Guillaume Aupy and Olivier Beaumont (RealOpt) on the Influence of local storage capacities on task based schedulers, with a focus on specific graph structure such as those involved in backpropagation. He is funded by ANR Dash (ANR-17-CE25-0004) and a …

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Andres Rubio Proano and Nicolas Vidal join the team as PhD students

Andres will work on task- and data-placement for HPC platforms with heterogeneous and non-volatile memories.  

Open PhD position

An PhD position is available in the team about Data Placement Strategies for Heterogeneous and Non-Volatile Memories in High Performance Computing Get more details and post your CV at

Valentin Honoré joins TADaaM as a PhD student

Valentin will work in Partitioning strategies for High-Throughput Applications. In particular his focus will be on Hierarchical memories, used in the context of in-situ/in-transit frameworks. His thesis is supervised by Guillaume Aupy and Brice Goglin. Welcome Valentin :).

Guillaume Aupy joins the team as an Inria research scientist.

Guillaume Aupy earnt his PhD from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in 2014. After a post-doctoral position at Argonne National Lab, he has been a research assistant professor at Penn State and Vanderbilt universities. He now joins TADaaM as a permanent Inria research scientist.

Cyril Bordage joins TADaaM as a post-doctoral fellow

Cyril will improve hwloc and its netloc subproject towards better and easier network locality use in HPC application placement.

Nicolas Denoyelle starts a PhD thesis

Nicolas Denoyelle begins his PhD thesis co-supervised by the Atos/Bull company.