January 9 – Zhaonan Dong: hp-Version Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes

Zhaonan Dong: Wednesday 9 January at 11 am, A415 Inria Paris. PDE models are often characterised by local features such as solution singularities/layers and domains with complicated boundaries. These special features make the design of accurate numerical solutions challenging, or require huge amount of computational resources. One way of achieving complexity reduction of the numerical solution for such PDE models is to design novel numerical methods which support general meshes consisting of polygonal/polyhedral elements, such that local features of the model can be resolved in efficiently by adaptive choices of such general meshes. In this talk, we will review the recently developed hp-version symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (dG) finite element method for the numerical approximation of PDEs on general computational meshes consisting of polygonal/polyhedral (polytopic) elements. The key feature of the proposed dG method is that the stability and hp-version a-priori error bound are derived based on the specific choice of the interior penalty parameters which allows for edges/faces degeneration. Moreover, under certain practical mesh assumptions, the proposed dG method was proven to be available to incorporate very general polygonal/polyhedral elements with an arbitrary number of faces. Because of utilising general shaped elements, the dG method shows a great flexibility in designing an adaptive algorithm by refining or coarsening general polytopic elements. Especially for solving the convection-dominated problems on which boundary and interior layers may appear and need a lot of degrees of freedom to resolve. Finally, we will present several numerical examples through different classes of linear PDEs to highlight the practical performance of the proposed method.

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Journée contrat cadre IFPEN / Inria

26 novembre 2018 Salle Jacques-Louis Lions 2 Bâtiment C, rez-de-chaussée Inria, 2 rue Simone Iff, Paris 12ème Comment venir Programme 9h45h-10h15 : Accueil autour d’un café 10h15-10h30 : Avenant contrat cadre IFPEN/INRIA (2018-2022), ajout de la nouvelle thématique « Intelligence Artificielle et science des données » (Van Bui-Tran) 10h30-11h : Méthodes de décomposition de domaine via le langage dédié FreeFem++ (Fréderic Nataf) 11h-11h30 : Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation for conforming and nonconforming approximations with inexact solvers (Soleiman Yousef) 11h30-12h : Reduced-Basis method for two-phase darcean flows (Sébastien Boyaval) 12h-12h30 : Etude et simulation d’un modèle stratigraphique advecto-diffusif non-linéaire avec frontières mobiles (Huy Quang Tran) 12h30-14h00 : Repas: Crêperie Paris Breizh, 177 avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris 14h00-14h30 : A posteriori error estimates and adaptive stopping criteria for a compositional two-phase flow with nonlinear complementarity constraints (Jad Dabaghi) 14h30-15h00 : Adaptive resolution of linear systems based on error estimators (Zakariae Jorti) 15h00-15h30 : Modèle cinétique pour le transport réactif (Bastien Hamlat) 15h30-15h45 : Pause-café 15h45-16h15 : Stratégie(s) pour améliorer la robustesse de l’algorithme de Newton intervenant dans la résolution de l’équation de Richards (Guillaume Enchéry) 16h15-16h20 : Conclusion de la journée (Martin Vohralík)

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December 13 – Maxime Breden: An introduction to a posteriori validation techniques, illustrated on the Navier-Stokes equations

Maxime Breden: Thursday 13 December at 11 am, A415 Inria Paris. The aim of a posteriori validation techniques is to obtain mathematically rigorous and quantitative existence theorems, using numerical simulations. Given an approximate solution, the general strategy is to combine a posteriori estimates with analytical ones to apply a fixed point theorem, which then yields the existence of a true solution in an explicit neighborhood of the approximate one. In the first part of the talk, I’ll present the main ideas in more detail, and describe the general framework in which they are applicable. In the second part, I’ll then focus on a specific example and explain how to validate a posteriori periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with a Taylor-Green type of forcing. This is joint work with Jan Bouwe van den Berg, Jean-Philippe Lessard and Lennaert van Veen.

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Axioms of adaptivity — mini-course by C. Carstensen

Tuesday 11 September — Thursday 13 September at 9am (three 2-hour sessions), A415 Inria Paris Files for the participants (available only during the course): AoA1 AoA2 AoA3 Mini-course by C. Carstensen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany): The lecture series on the optimal rates of adaptive mesh-refining algorithms in computational PDEs provides an introduction to the mathematics of optimal rates based on the standard Dörfler marking in a collective refinement strategy. The focus is on the thorough insight into the mathematics for the simplest meaningful setting with elementary tools like the trace inequality, inverse estimate, plus several forms of triangle and Cauchy inequalities. Solely four axioms guarantee the optimality in terms of the error estimators outlined in Part 1 of the lectures. This general framework covers a huge part of the existing literature on optimal rates of adaptive schemes and is exemplified for the 2D Poisson model problem on polygonal domains. Part 2 gives the outline of the proof of optimal rates with linear convergence and a comparison lemma as Stevenson’s key argument for the optimality. The abstract analysis covers linear as well as nonlinear problems and is independent of the underlying finite element or boundary element method. The local discrete efficiency of the error estimator is neither needed to prove convergence nor utilised for the quasi-optimal convergence behaviour of the error estimator. Efficiency exclusively characterises the approximation classes involved in terms of the best-approximation error and data resolution and so the upper bound on the optimal marking parameters does not depend on any efficiency constant. Some general quasi-Galerkin orthogonality is not only sufficient, but also necessary for the R-linear convergence of the error estimator. Part 3 discusses the lowest-order conforming finite element method based on triangles and provides proofs of the stability, reduction, and discrete localised reliability of the explicit residual-based…

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April 16 – Simon Lemaire: An optimization-based method for the numerical approximation of sign-changing PDEs

Simon Lemaire: Thursday 16 April at 3 pm, A415 Inria Paris. We are interested in physical settings presenting an interface between a classical (positive) material and a (negative) metamaterial, in such a way that the coefficients of the model change sign in the domain. We study, in the « elliptic » case, the numerical approximation of such sign-shifting problems. We introduce a new numerical method, based on domain decomposition and optimization, that we prove to be convergent, as soon as, for a given right-hand side, the problem admits a solution that is unique. The proof of convergence does not rely on any symmetry assumption on the mesh family with respect to the sign-changing interface. In that respect, it gives a more convenient alternative to T-coercivity based approximation in the situations when the latter is applicable, whereas it constitutes a new paradigm in the situations when the latter is not. We illustrate our findings on a comprehensive set of test-cases.

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February 20 – Thirupathi Gudi: An energy space based approach for the finite element approximation of the Dirichlet boundary control problem.

Thirupathi Gudi: Tuesday 20 February at 3 pm, A415 Inria Paris. In this talk, we review some approaches for formulating the Dirichlet boundary control problem and then we present a new energy space based approach. We show that this new approach allows high regularity for both optimal control and the optimal state. Using, the optimality conditions at continuous level, we propose a finite element method for numerical solution and derive subsequent error estimates. We show some numerical experiments to illustrate the method.

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February 15 – Franz Chouly: About some a posteriori error estimates for small strain elasticity

Franz Chouly: Thursday 15 February at 2 pm, A415 Inria Paris. In the first part of this talk, we will present a residual based a posteriori error estimate for contact problems in small strain elasticity, discretized with finite elements and Nitsche’s method. Upper and lower bounds are established under a saturation assumption. This theoretical results will be illustrated by some numerical experiments (joint work with Mathieu Fabre, Patrick Hild, Jérôme Pousin and Yves Renard). In the second part of this talk, we will present preliminary results on goal oriented error estimates for soft-tissue biomechanics, still under small strain assumptions. The performance of the Dual Weighted Residual method will be assessed for two simplified scenarios involving tongue muscular activation, and contraction of the arterial wall. Open mathematical questions and the potential interest of such a methodology for computational biomechanics will be discussed (joint work with Stéphane Bordas, Marek Bucki, Michel Duprez, Vanessa Lleras, Claudio Lobos, Alexei Lozinski, Pierre-Yves Rohan and Satyendra Tomar).

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November 2 – Hend Benameur: Identification of parameters, fractures ans wells in porous media

Hend Benameur: Thursday 2 November at 11 am, A415 Inria Paris. We are interested in some inverse problems in porous media: parameter estimation, fracture identification and wells location. All these problems are formulated as optimization problems. The main and common tool in the developed techniques is “ the gradient” of a convenient function. An adaptive parameterization algorithm is developed, implemented and applied for the estimation of scalar and vector parameters in porous media. Values of parameters and shapes of hydrogeological zones are unknown. The main tool in the adaptive parameterization approach is a refinement indicator: Once the identification problem is set as a minimization of an objective function, the question is what is the effect on this function of allowing discontinuity of the parameter in some candidate location? Refinement indicators give the answer to this question . Since fractures are characterized by discontinuities, the idea is to extend previous indicators to locate fractures. We define fracture indicators and we proceed in an iterative way in order to identify fractures in porous media. The topological sensitivity analysis method has been recognized as a promising tool to solve topology optimization problems. It consists to provide an asymptotic expansion of a shape functional with respect to the size of a small hole created inside the domain. To solve the inverse problem where both parametrization and well’s location are unknown, we incorporate the topological gradient approach in the adaptive parametrization algorithm; results are promising.

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Journée contrat cadre IFPEN / Inria

2 octobre 2017 salle Glycines, IFPEN, 1 Avenue de Bois-Préau, Rueil Malmaison Programme 10h00 : Introduction (Zakia Benjelloun Touimi)                                   10 mn 10h10 : Introduction verrous IFPEN  (Isabelle Faille)                          10 mn 10h20 : Jean-Marc Gratien  (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                  30 mn Implementing linear solver algorithms with Runtime System Tools to perform on Many-Core Architectures 10h50 : Laura Grigori               (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                 30 mn Enlarged Krylov methods for reducing communication when solving large sparse linear systems of equations 11h20 : Michel Kern                 (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                 30 mn Space-time domain decomposition and a posteriori stopping criteria for a nonlinear parabolic model with discontinuous capillary pressure  11h50 : Clément Cancès         (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                  30 mn Modèle et schéma pour la simulation stratigraphique avec couplage sédiment-eau 12h20 : Verrou data (Van Bui Tran) + Rencontre scientifique (Thibault Faney)   10 mn 12h30 – 14h00               Repas 14h00 :  Matteo Cicuttin        (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                  30 mn Hybrid High-Order methods: basics, implementation, multiscale problems 14h30 : Géraldine Pichot          (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                30 mn Realistic geometric modeling of fracture networks. 15h00 : Anthony Michel         (25 mn + 5 mn de questions)                  30 mn Reactive flows 15h30 : Conclusion (Martin Vohralik) Comment venir

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