Multi Person Extreme Motion Prediction

by Wen Guo*, Xiaoyu Bie*, Xavier Alameda-Pineda and Francesc Moreno-Noguer IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022, New Orleans, USA [paper]  [code] [data] Abstract. Human motion prediction aims to forecast future poses given a sequence of past 3D skeletons. While this problem has recently received increasing attention, it has mostly been…

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The impact of removing head movements on audio-visual speech enhancement

by Zhiqi Kang, Mostafa Sadeghi, Radu Horaud, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Jacob Donley, Anurag Kumar ICASSP’22, Singapore [paper][examples][code][slides] Abstract. This paper investigates the impact of head movements on audio-visual speech enhancement (AVSE). Although being a common conversational feature, head movements have been ignored by past and recent studies: they challenge today’s learning-based…

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Successor Feature Neural Episodic Control

by Davier Emukpere, Xavier Alameda-Pineda and Chris Reinke [Paper][code] Abstract. A longstanding goal in reinforcement learning is to build intelligent agents that show fast learning and a flexible transfer of skills akin to humans and animals. This paper investigates the integration of two  frameworks for tackling those goals: episodic control and successor features. Episodic…

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Dynamical Variational AutoEncoders

by Laurent Girin, Simon Leglaive, Xiaoyu Bie, Julien Diard, Thomas Hueber, and Xavier Alameda-Pineda Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1-2, pp 1–175. [Review paper] [Code] [Tutorial @ICASPP 2021] Abstract. Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are powerful deep generative models widely used to represent high-dimensional complex data through a low-dimensional…

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SocialInteractionGAN: Multi-person Interaction Sequence Generation

by Louis Airale, Dominique Vaufreydaz and Xavier Alameda-Pineda [paper] Abstract. Prediction of human actions in social interactions has important applications in the design of social robots or artificial avatars. In this paper, we model human interaction generation as a discrete multi-sequence generation problem and present SocialInteractionGAN, a novel adversarial architecture for conditional interaction…

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A Benchmark of Dynamical Variational Autoencoders applied to Speech Spectrogram Modeling

by Xiaoyu Bie, Laurent Girin, Simon Leglaive, Thomas Hueber and Xavier Alameda-Pineda Interspeech’21, Brno, Czech Republic [paper][slides][code][bibtex] Abstract. The Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is a powerful deep generative model that is now extensively used to represent high-dimensional complex data via a low-dimensional latent space learned in an unsupervised manner. In the…

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PI-Net: Pose Interacting Network for Multi-Person Monocular 3D Pose Estimation

by Wen Guo, Enric Corona, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2021) [paper][code] Abstract. Recent literature addressed the monocular 3D pose estimation task very satisfactorily. In these studies, different persons are usually treated as independent pose instances to estimate. However, in many everyday situations,…

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Robust Face Frontalization For Visual Speech Recognition

by Zhiqi Kang, Radu Horaud and Mostafa Sadeghi ICCV’21 Workshop on Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning (TradiCV’21) [paper (extended version)][code][bibtex] Abstract. Face frontalization consists of synthesizing a frontally-viewed face from an arbitrarily-viewed one. The main contribution is a robust method that preserves non-rigid facial deformations, i.e….

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