INRIA Senior Research Scientist
Head of the Project Team MAGIQUE-3D
email :
Tel : +33 5 59 40 75 40
Postal address:
Université de Pau – Magique 3D
Avenue de l’Université,
BP 1155
Direct and Inverse Problems related to wave propagation phenomena
I am essentially interested in the numerical simulation of the propagation of waves and I contribute in particular to the construction of new absorbing conditions. I work on time-dependent and stationary equations and I mainly focus on systems which are approximated by finite-element methods. I maintain collaborations with the oil company TOTAL for the development of software packages for the seismic imaging.
Artificial Boundary Conditions
Key words:
Pseudodifferential calculus, Absorbing Boundary Conditions, Multipliers method, Long-time behavior, TTI media.
Numerical methods for the numerical simulation of wave propagation
Key words:
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, High Order Time schemes, Upscalling
Inverse Problems
Key words:
Elasto-acoustic problems, Reverse Time Migration