
  • Gar6more 2D v2.0

    This code computes the analytical solution of waves propagation problems in 2D homogeneous or bilayered media, based on the Cagniard-de Hoop method. In the homogeneous case, the medium can be acoustic, elastic or poroelastic; infinite or semi-infinite with a free boundary or a wall boundary condition at its end. In the bilayered case, the following coupling are implemented (the source is assumed to be in the first medium) :

    • acoustic/acoustic
    • acoustic/elastic
    • acoustic/poroelastic
    • elastic/elastic
    • poroelastic/poroelastic

    For more information, please refer to the Gar6more2D webpage

  • Gar6more 3D v2.0

    This code computes the analytical solution of waves propagation problems in 3D homogeneous or bilayered media, based on the Cagniard-de Hoop method. In the homogeneous case, the medium can be acoustic, elastic or poroelastic; infinite or semi-infinite with a free boundary or a wall boundary condition at its end. In the bilayered case, the following coupling are implemented (the source is assumed to be in the first medium) :

    • acoustic/acoustic
    • acoustic/elastic
    • acoustic/poroelastic
    • elastic/elastic
    • poroelastic/poroelastic

For more information, please refer to the Gar6more3D webpage

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